QIAN Xuewen: The January Revolution and the Future of Egypt
مرة: 2012-06-15 وجهات النظر: 65


The January Revolution and the Future of Egypt


Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), No. 2, September 2012


QIAN Xuewen


In January 2011, a revolutionary movement fighting for political democracy broke out in Egypt, influenced by the Jasmine Revolution that had taken place in Tunisia. With the development of the January Revolution, the democratic movement gave way to an unexpected political Islamic movement, represented by the Muslim Brotherhood which has received broad civil support. In the most recent national presidential election on June 23rd – 24th, Mursi, the chairman of The Freedom and Justice Party and Shafiq, the former Prime Minister, became the candidates for the second round of the presidential election. The failure of Ahbad Sabashi, head of Nasser’s side in this competition, shows that the democratization of Egypt still has a long way to go.

Key Words:

Egypt; Arab Spring; January Revolution; Democratic Movement

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