刘中民、范鹏:“On the Three Pivotal Doctrines of Islamism”,Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
发布时间: 2019-07-02 浏览次数: 228

SourceAsian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic StudiesVolume 13No.3Jun. 2019

AbstractPrevious studies of Islamism basically focus on representative scholars and their thoughts on Islamism. This article attempts to sum up the pivotal doctrines of Islamism and hopefully shed light on its future trends through a comparative study. It suggests that the doctrines of self-sufficiency and ‘Jahiliyyah’ (ignorance) of Islamism, the doctrine of ‘Islamic State’ and Islamic Order, and the doctrine of Allah’s Sovereignty and political consultation function as the three pivotal doctrines of Islamism. Relevant comparison indicates that, although specific Islamic thinkers have their own foci, their thoughts are all in a similar vein. In addition, with the development of times and the advancement of society, the analysis of Islamism, by no means a fossilised set of ideologies, also undergoes constant changes and adjustments.

KeywordsIslamismIslamic StateIslamic OrderAllah’s Sovereignty Islamic Studies