发布时间: 2020-01-07 浏览次数: 911



中国 上海



1. 中东地区与东亚的关系

2. 中东地区与南亚的关系

3. 中东地区与欧洲的关系

4. 中东地区与非洲的关系

5. 中东国家与世界主要大国的关系

6. 东西方国家的中东观

7. 中东国家的东方观与西方观

8. 中东历史、政治、社会与国际关系


1. 202041前将拟提交的论文摘要(英文)和回执表(见附件)电子邮件附件形式发至论坛官方邮箱ifame@shisu.edu.cn。参会申请应包括英文标题、英文摘要(300字)、作者姓名、单位、联系方式和个人简介(100字以内)。

2. 2020615前将拟提交的论文全文(英文)以电子邮件附件形式发至论坛官方邮箱ifame@shisu.edu.cn。论文应符合英文学术规范,字数不少于5000字。

论坛组委会将在收到符合要求的论文摘要和回执表后,于两周内发出接受函;在收到符合要求的论文全文并通过评审后,于2020625前发出正式的参会邀请函。经遴选的参会优秀论文将由国内外知名出版社结集出版,或者推荐至英文期刊Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies(由英国Routledge出版)上发表。













The 7th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East

The Middle East and the World from Eastern and Western Perspectives

Shanghai, China

August 22-23, 2020

The Middle East lies at the intersection of Eastern and Western civilizations. Different perceptions taken by the East and the West based on their own understandings and interpretations of Middle Eastern politics, religion, culture and society, have profoundly influenced forms, methods, and contents of their respective interaction with the region. This process of interaction is not only constituted by mutual exchanges, communication, integration and understandings among diversified cultures, but also spawns many frictions, contradictions, confrontations and conflicts, which seriously impacts on the order and international relations in the region, and the relations between the Middle East and the world. Understanding the relationship between the Middle East and the world requires perspectives from both the East and the West. Solving various problems in the region not only depends on cooperation between the Middle East and Western powers, and the participation of Eastern countries is also needed. With this in mind, the Middle East Studies Institute at Shanghai International Studies University, the Chinese Association for Middle Eastern Studies and Hamad Bin Khalifa University, will jointly host the 7th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East in Shanghai, China. The Forum, to be held on August 22-23, 2020 (Saturday and Sunday), will be on the theme The Middle East and the World from Eastern and Western Perspectives’.

We warmly welcome experts and scholars to contribute to this great academic event. Papers in any of the topic areas listed below or related areas are welcomed:

1.        Relations between the Middle East and East Asia

2.        Relations between the Middle East and South Asia

3.        Relations between the Middle East and Europe

4.        Relations between the Middle East and Africa

5.        Relations between Middle Eastern countries and great powers

6.        Eastern and Western Perceptions of the Middle East

7.        Middle Eastern Perception of the East and the West

8.        History, Politics, Society and International Relations of the Middle East

Leading experts and scholars in the field of Middle Eastern studies will be invited to deliver keynote speeches at the Forum. The working language of the Forum is English. The forum does not charge conference fees. Participants will have their accommodation and all food covered during the Forum; international and domestic flights are born by participants themselves. For anyone interested participant, please submit relevant materials on time as follows:

        1.      A proposal (in English) and a registration form (attached below) should be submitted to ifame@shisu.edu.cn by April 1, 2020The proposal should include the title and abstract of the paper (300 words min), name, title and institutional affiliation of the author, and his email address and a brief C.V. (100 words max).

        2.      Full paper should be submitted in English by email to ifame@shisu.edu.cn by June 15, 2020. The length of the submitted paper should be no less than 5,000 words.

A confirmation letter will be sent 2 weeks after the submission of the proposal. After the full text of the paper is received and reviewed, an official invitation letter will be sent by June 25, 2020. Accepted papers to be presented at the forum will be compiled and be published by the Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Published by Routledge) and other international publishers.

All Experts, young scholars and Ph.D. candidates of Middle Eastern studies are welcomed!

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Meng Shu, she can be reached at:

E-Mail: ifame@shisu.edu.cn

Tel.: 0086-21-35373301

Address: Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University, 550 West Dalian Road, 200083, Shanghai, P.R. China



    Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University, China

    Chinese Association for Middle Eastern Studies, China

    Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar


    Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, China

    Institute of International Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China

    Center for Turkish Studies, Shanghai University, China


Registration Form