
主 题:新时期中国与中东关系
主讲人:James Reardon-Anderson 教授(美国乔治敦大学外交学院副院长)
主持人:孙德刚 研究员
主 办:上海高校智库上海外国语大学中东研究所
时 间:2015年5月5日(星期二)上午10:00—11:30
地 点:上海外国语大学6号楼中东所704会议室
James Reardon-Anderson is Sun Yat-sen Professor of Chinese Studies and Interim Dean of the School of Foreign Service. Prof. Reardon-Anderson has been a member ofthe Georgetown University Faculty since 1985. He previously taught at the University of Michigan and the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University, and has served as Director of the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies in Taipei (1980-81, 1988), Director of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library of Columbia University (1982-85), Director of the Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China (1990-92); Director of Asian Studies at Georgetown (1992-1995); Director of the Georgetown University Master of Science in Foreign Service program (2002-05), and Dean of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar (2005-09).
Professor Reardon-Andersonis a specialist in modern Chinese history and the author of five books on China: Yenan and the Great Powers: The Origins of Chinese Communist Foreign Policy (Columbia University Press, 1980), The Study of Change: Chemistry in China, 1840-1949 (Cambridge University Press, 1991), Pollution, Politics and Foreign Investment in Taiwan: The Lukang Rebellion (M.E. Sharpe, 1992), Grasslands and Grassland Science in Northern China (National Academy of Sciences Press, 1992), and his most recent book, Reluctant Pioneers: The Chinese Conquest of Manchuria, 1644-1937 (Stanford University Press, 2005).
Each fall, he teaches the required core course in the Master of Science in Foreign Service program,“Globalization of Inter-Societal History” and each spring the required undergraduate course, “Map of the Modern World.”
Areas of Expertise: China, geography, history
·Ph.D. (1975) Columbia University, Political Science