章远研究员就中国与伊朗双边关系接受伊朗迈赫尔通讯社(Mehr News Agency)专访
发布时间: 2020-08-24 浏览次数: 276

2020824日,上外中东研究所章远研究员就中国与伊朗双边关系接受伊朗迈赫尔通讯社(Mehr News Agency)专访,访问内容如下:

Q1: As you might know the United Nations Security Council rejected a US resolution to extend an arms embargo on Iran that is due to expire in October. What is your take on it? How do you analyse the role of other powers, specifically China, in this rejection?

A1: The United Nations Security Council rejects a US resolution to extend a arms embargo on Iran, manifesting a diplomatic failure of the US. China and Russia that have veto power voted no.

It should be seen from the results of this voting that most countries do not support the US aggressive attitude on the Iran nuclear issue. The US’ increasing tendency of unilateralism and hegemonism are causing dissatisfaction among most peace-loving countries in the world and losing support from them.

China has consistently preserved the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and Security Council Resolution 2231. China attaches great importance to peace and stability in the Middle East, which is inseparable from equal communication and coordination that all parties give up prejudices.

Q2: Iran and China have drafted an economic and security partnership that would allow for billions of dollars in Chinese investments in energy and other sectors. What is your thought on this agreement?

A2: In 2016, President Xi Jinping's visit to Iran upgraded the relationship between China and Iran to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Since then, bilateral economic and trade cooperation between China and Iran has deepen constantly. At present, Iran is China's third largest trading partner in the Middle East and an important investment destination. China is Iran's most important trading partner and product export market. The bilateral friendship between the two countries has inherited the long-standing spirit of Silk Road. Forging a close relationship and deepening cooperation between China and Iran is bound to be a better and prosperous future in the new era.

Q3:  West mainstream media has been following a propaganda campaign apparently aimed at dealing a blow to the strategic Iran-China relations. What is your thought?

A3: China and Iran are two ancient civilizations with time honored history. Both China and Iran have witnessed a long history of friendly exchanges between the two countries and have development close bilateral economic and trade relations now. China and Iran have extended multiple cooperation in the fields of energy, transportation, telecommunications, automobiles, technology, culture and so forth. In recent years, the political and economic exchanges between the two countries have been further strengthened.

Some western mainstream media have always had a mistrust of non-Western civilizations. They criticize those non-allied countries with ideological blinkers, publish unfair and unobjective reports applying double standards, and even circulate groundless rumors to incite a new cold war. This is an irresponsible illusion of international confrontation by slander. A propaganda campaign is a psychological warfare that undermines the social psychological foundation of peace and stability of the international community.

Q4: Experts believe that the 25-year agreement challenges the Trump administration’s policy of maximum pressure campaign. In other words, Trump came into office wanting to weaken and isolate China and Iran, but appears mainly to have weakened and isolated the United States. What do you think?

A4: The Trump administration’s unilateralism and hegemonism receives no support in the international community. China firmly opposes and rejects Trump administration’s stark bulling and maximum pressuring tactics.

In fact, the United States' international supremacy comes not only from its strong hard power, but also from its soft power such as international prestige and credibility. The Trump administration constantly violates international rules, undermines the fair international marketing environment, abandons the international obligations of globalization, and puts the US one nation’s interests on top of the common interests of mankind. Ultimately, it will be end in completely isolated.

Q5: Why is Iran important in China foreign policy?

A5: Iran pursues an independent, non-alignment foreign policy and opposes hegemonism and power politics. Iran advocates dialogue among civilizations and is willing to work to build an equitable and just new international political and economic order. Iran respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other country, and respects that the people have the right to choose their own social development path, rather than accepting the values and political systems imposed by the West. These are consistent with China's diplomatic stance.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 49 years ago, China and Iran relations have friendly developed. China-Iran cooperation in political, economic, cultural and national defense fields bears fruitful results.

The world is experiencing a level of change unseen in a century, and the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has severely challenged the national governance capabilities of every country. The cooperation between China and Iran in international affairs will contribute to the world peace, stability and development.

Q6: Experts believe that deepening China-Iran ties challenge US hegemony. What do you think?

A6: Both China and Iran support economic globalization and world multi-polarization, and both value the status and role of international organizations under the framework of the United Nations. Both China and Iran advocate the settlement of international disputes through political dialogue and consultation. China and Iran firmly maintain the principle of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and both oppose unfair sanctions. These are the responsibilities as a major responsible country in the international community. The United States today is just the opposite.

Q7: How do you see the future of the JCPOA? In your view, can the US use JCPOA 'snapback' option to force return of UN Iran sanctions?

A7: The JCPOA is an important achievement of multilateral diplomacy. China continues to safeguard JCPOA on Iranian nuclear issue. US unilateral withdrawal from JCPOA in 2018 causes US is no longer one party of the 2015 JCPOA.

来源:Mehr News Agency