Source:Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies,Vol. 15,Issue 3, June 2021
Abstract:Promoting patriotism and national cohesion in history classes is a well-known practice in modern countries, and especially evident in countries embroiled in ongoing conflicts. Patriotism in middle school history education of Israel bear the task to inherit the essence of Jewish traditional culture, promote awakening civic consciousness and teach the history of nation building. The courses contains main lines of national image creation, complaints for diaspora history, reflection on the holocaust, the current situation of the stalemate with rivalry countries and the outlook for the trend towards integration. It aims at shaping the minds of nation residents with different ethnic, religious, cultural and political background, and turn them into social members with a strong sense of responsibility, characteristics of multicultural and harmonious coexistence. In the comprehensive educational system, Israeli patriotism education is conducive to national unity, social integration and modernisation, but at the same time smacks of Zionism.
Keywords:Israel;middle school;history education;Patriotism