Yahia H. Zoubir

叶海亚·祖必和(Yahia H. Zoubir),法国马赛KEDGE商学院欧洲地中海地缘政治研究中心教授,著名北非问题专家,精通法语、英语、阿拉伯语,2016年4月被聘为上海外国语大学中东研究所国际荣誉顾问。
E-mail: yahia.zoubir@kedgebs.com
Full-Time, Senior Tenured Professor of International Relations/Geopolitics & International Management, September 2005-Present.
·Director of Research in Geopolitics
·Director of Track of Excellence in Geostrategy and International Business
Visiting Faculty, Sino-French Institute (IFC), Renmin University Campus in Suzhou; Shanghai Jiatong University; Renmin University, Beijing; and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
Honorary Advisor to the Institute of Middle East Studies of the Shanghai International Studies University, April 2016-Present.
Peace and Security Issues, Governance, Regional Conflicts, Radical Islamist/Jihadist Movements, and Human Rights, in Africa, Sub-Sahara and Sahel in particular.
*Worked for EU-GIZ-funded Assessment of the African Peace & Security Architecture of the African Union, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) in Arusha (Tanzania), Nairobi (Kenya), Gaborone (Botswana), Abuja (Nigeria), Libreville (Gabon), 15 August 2014- 15 March 2015.
Managing Director & Academic Director (Seconded, Expatriate), Professor of International Relations and Global Business, THUNDERBIRD EUROPE, French-Geneva Center, Archamps, France,August 1998–August 2005.
Full-Time, Tenured Professor of International Studies & Global Business, THUNDERBIRD, American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, Arizona, USA, April 1995-August 2005.
Associate Professor of Political Science and InternationalRelations (Tenured), and Coordinator of Study Abroad Programs, The American Graduate School of Business, and The Institute of Undergraduate Studies, Switzerland, August 1991–August 1995.
Resident Director/Adjunct Professor, Special Program in International Business and Political Organizations, George Mason University’s Study Abroad Interim Program in Switzerland, Winter 1994/95; Winter 1993/94.
* Lectured on International Organizations (UN, GATT/WTO, WHO, ILO, MNCs, and ICRC).
* Arranged for students’ seminars in Geneva (United Nations and its specialized agencies) and Zurich Stock Exchange, MNCs, and small businesses.
The American College of Switzerland
Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Studies (Tenure track); Academic Advisor, August 1990–June 1991.
The American University, Washington, DC, School of International Service and Washington Semester and World Capitals Programs
Assistant Professor/AcademicDirector, August 1985–August 1990.
The American University
Director, Annual Summer Honors’ Program for Kuwait University Students.
* Organized seminars with policymakers and business executives; gave lectures on numerous topics; and arranged field trips, July–August 1990; June–July 1989; June–July 1988.
The American University
Director/Assistant Professor, Semester Abroad Program, Brussels, Belgium, January–May 1986.
* Taught seminar on NATO to 30 students with special emphasis on US-West European relations, Soviet policy toward Western Europe, and domestic European issues.
* Arranged for speakers from NATO, European Communities, European Parliament, Embassies, European universities, and research institutes to address the class.
* Organized field trips to Berlin, the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, and to the Bundestag in Bonn, Germany.
* Supervised students’ internships.
The American University
InternshipSupervisor, Washington Semester and World Capitals Programs, August 1985–May 1990.
The American University
Teaching Assistant, School of International Service, September 1979–May 1983.
The Embassy of Kuwait/Cultural Mission in Washington, DC,
Academic Advisor, August 1984–August 1985.
* Placed and supervised academic progress of 250 students enrolled in colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Lycée Le Caroubier (women’s senior high school), Algiers, Algeria
Teacher, January–July 1974.
* Taught French Grammar, Composition, Civilization, and Literature.
* Prepared seniors for Baccalaureate examination.
Executive MBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 2006-present.
MBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 2006-present.
Renmin University, Institut Franco-Chinois, Suzhou Campus, China, February-June 2014.
Renmin University, Institut Franco-Chinois, Suzhou Campus, China, February-June 2015.
Renmin University, Institut Franco-Chinois, Suzhou Campus, China, February-June 2016.
FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH, University of Applied Sciences [School of Management], Graz, Austria, October 2014.
Sino-French Institute of Renmin University of China—Suzhou Campus, PRC,March-July 2014.
Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Shanghai, PRC,March-May 2014.
FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH, University of Applied Sciences [School of Management], Graz, Austria, October 2013.
University of Montreal, Department of Political Science, Montreal, Canada, July 2013.
Renmin University, Institut Franco-Chinois, Suzhou Campus, China, April 2013.
Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India, January 2013.
Renmin Business School, Beijing, China, May 2012.
Renmin Business School, Beijing, China, May 2011.
Geneva Business School, Geneva, Switzerland, Spring Semester 2011.
FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH, University of Applied Sciences [School of Management], Graz, Austria, June 2010.
Faculty, Renmim Business School, Renmin University, Beijing, China, May 2010.
FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH, University of Applied Sciences [School of Management], Graz, Austria, May 2009.
University of Leipzig, Germany, April-May 2009.
International Master’s Program, Reims Management School, Reims, France, Spring 2009.
Executive MBA,Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève (Geneva School of Business Administration), Geneva, Switzerland, October 2008.
MBA students, Renmin Business School, Beijing Renmin University, Beijing, China, April 2008.
Business and Management University, Geneva, Switzerland, January & February 2008.
University of North Florida, January 2006.
School of Management, ESC Grenoble, France, summer 2002.
School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada, Northeastern University, USA, and Reims Management School, France, Summer 2003; Summer 2004; Summer 2005; Summer 2006; Summer 2007; Summer 2008; Spring 2009.
Executive MBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 2006-present.
Part-Time Faculty, Department of Management & Human Resources—Ecole Management Lyon, Lyon France, Fall 2000–2005.
Part-Time Faculty—The European Institute of Purchasing Management, Archamps, France, Spring 1999–2005.
PhD, International Relations, The American University, Washington, DC, School of International Service, May 1985. [Doctoral Course Work at the School of Government, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.]
* Dissertation Topic: West European Communist Parties: Kautskyismand/or De-Revolutionization?
* Fields of Study: International Relations, Comparative Politics, International Political Economy, and Political Sociology.
MA, International Affairs (International Affairs and InternationalDevelopment/International Political Economy), The American University, School of International Service, August 1979.
BA[Licence] (studies in French), Political Science, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, University of Algiers, Algeria, June 1974.
Baccalauréat in Philosophy (in French), Senior High School, El-Idrissi, Algiers, Algeria, June 1971.
Centre européen de la négociation (European Center for Negotiation), Developing Interest-Based Negotiating, Paris, July 2011 & September 2011
LTS Training & Consulting, Developing Intercultural Training Skills, Bath, UK, January 2009. Obtained Certificate in Intercultural Training
Richard Ivey School of Business, Teaching with Cases, 3-day training seminar, Monaco, July 2008.
Kellogg School of Management, Dispute Resolution Research Center, Third Biennial Negotiation and Teamwork Teaching Workshop, Program on Negotiation and Mediation at Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, IL, November 2006.
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (CIBER Program), “Strategies for Teaching International Negotiation: A Faculty Development Workshop,” Durham, NC, October 1999.
Summer Institute for Intercultural Studies, Pacific University, “Teaching Cross-Cultural Communications,” Portland, OR, July 1998.
North African Politics Change and Continuity, coedited with Gregory White, Routledge [Refereed], 2016.
Building a New Silk Road: China and the Middle East in the 21st Century co-editedwith Degang SUN), World Affairs Press, Beijing, 2014.
Global Security Watch: The Maghreb, co-authored with L. Dris-Aït-Hamadouche, Praeger Security International Series, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO/Praeger, 2013.
North Africa: Politics, Region and the Limits of Transformation, co-edited with Haizam Amirah-Fernandèz (Foreword by William B. Quandt); Routledge Publisher, 2008. [Refereed], 394 pages. Obtained excellent reviews
Doing Business in Emerging Europe (co-authored with F.S. Lhabitant), Hampshire, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan’s Global Academic Publishing, 2003. Obtained excellent reviews
Cross-Cultural Negotiations(co-editor),Special Issueof theThunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 44, 6, Nov.–Dec. 2002.
North Africa in Transition: State, Society, and Economic Transformation in the 1990s, [Refereed] Editor and main contributor (Foreword by William B. Quandt), Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1999, 299 pages. Obtained excellent reviews inChoice (Spring 2000) and Encyclopedia Britannica.
L’Islamisme Politique dans les Rapports entre l’Europe et le Maghreb, co‑editor, Lisbon, Portugal: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1996, 142 pages.
International Dimensions of the Western Sahara Conflict, [Refereed] Chief-editor (co‑editor Daniel Volman) and main contributor, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1993, 280 pages. Obtained excellent review inForeign Affairs (Fall 1993).
“Libya and Security Challenges in the Maghreb,” in, Security Issues in the Greater Middle East, Karl Yambert, Editor, Santa Barbara, California, Praeger 2016.
“Reforma Política a La Argelina: Eludir La Primavera Árabe,” (with Ahmed Aghrout), In, Malik Tahar-Chaouch, Editor, Protestas, Conflictos y Cambio Político En El Mundo Árabe y En América Latina, Xalapa, Veracruz, México: Universidad Veracruzana, Dirección Editorial, 2015, pp. 143-167.
“Arab Perspectives on the Mediterranean,” Handbook of Mediterranean Politics, Edited by Richard Gillsepie, Routledge, 2016.
“From Anticolonial Nationalist Liberation Movement to Ruling Party: The FLN Regime in Algeria,” National Liberation Movements as Governments in Africa, Edited by Redie Bereketeab, Nordic Africa Institute, 2016.
“Political Reform the Algerian Way: Circumventing the ‘Arab Spring,’” (in Spanish), …Edited by Malik Tahar-Chaouch, Mexico, 2015.
“Algeria: Reforms without change?” with Ahmed Aghrout, in North African Politic: Change and Continuity, edited with Gregory White, Routledge, 2016, pp. 145-155.
“The United States and North Africa,” with Stephen Zunes, in North African Politics: Change and Continuity, edited with Gregory White, Routledge, 2016, pp. 277-308.
“China in North Africa: A strategic partnership,” with Imen Belhadj and Degang SUN, North African Politics: Change and Continuity, edited with Gregory White, Routledge, 2016, pp.329-349.
“The Eagle’s Nests in the Gulf: Analysis of the United States Military Deployments in the GCC Countries (1991-2014),” with Degang Sun, in, The United States and the Gulf: Shifting Pressures, Strategies and Alignments, Edited by Tim Niblock and Steven Hook, Berlin & London, Gerlach Press, 2015, pp. 78-96.
“Essay on the History of Algeria,” [Revision and Update], with Ahmed Aghrout, Europa Publications. The Middle East and North Africa 2014, [Commissioned], Abdingdon, England: Routledge, 2014.
“Algeria,” [Commissioned/refereed] Michele Penner Angrist, Editor, Politics & Society in the Contemporary Middle East, 2nd Edition, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2013, pp. 189-215.
“Algeria and the African Union: From National Liberation Struggle to Fight against Terrorism,” in, Mikael Eriksson and Linnéa Gelot, Editors, The African Union in Light of the Arab Revolts: An Appraisal of the Foreign Policy and Security Objectives of South Africa, Ethiopia and Algeria, in, Mikael Eriksson and Linnéa Gelot, Editors, “The African Union in Light of the Arab Revolts:An Appraisal of the Foreign Policy and Security Objectives of South Africa, Ethiopia and Algeria” Discussion Paper 76, Uppsala, Sweden: Nordic Africa Institute & Swedish Defense Research Agency, April 2013, pp. 39-58.
“Governance in Algeria: The Protracted Transition to Democratic Rule,” In, Governance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Handbook, Edited by Abbas Khadim, London, Routledge, 2012, pp. 450-461.
“Algeria,” in, World Almanac of Islamism 2011 [Commissioned/refereed], New York: American Foreign Policy Council, 2011, pp. 304-317.
“Essay on the History of Algeria,” [Revision and Update], with Ahmed Aghrout, Europa Publications. The Middle East and North Africa 2013, [Commissioned], Abdingdon, England: Routledge, 2012.
“Algeria. Quale futuro?” [Algeria: Which Way Ahead?] (with Hakim Darbouche), [Commissioned/refereed], inKarim Mezran,Silvia Colombo, & Saskia van Genugten, Editors. L’Africa mediterranea: Storia e future. Rome: Donzelli editore, 2011, pp. 27-49.
“The Maghreb: Strategic Interests,” [Commissioned/refereed], in Sharham Akbarzadeh, Ed., Obama in the Middle East: Failure to Bring Change. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2011, pp. 105-132.
“Essay on the History of Algeria,” [Revision and Update], with Ahmed Aghrout, Europa Publications. The Middle East and North Africa 2011, [Commissioned], Abdingdon, England: Routledge, 2010, pp. 1-32.
“Economie de la Connaissance et Union pour la Méditerranée,” with Bernard Paranque, in André Joyal, Editor, La PME algérienne et le défi de la mondialisation. Paris: l’Harmattan, 2010, pp. 327-350.
“Islamist Political Parties in Contemporary Algeria,” in Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi’, Editor, The Contemporary Arab Reader on Political Islam, London, Pluto Press/University of Alberta Press, 2010, pp. pp. 247-271.
“Algeria,” [Commissioned/refereed] Michele Penner Angrist, Editor, Politics & Society in the Contemporary Middle East, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010, pp. 177-202.
“La Libye et l’Europe : realpolitik économique et ‘réhabilitation’du régime libyen,” [Commissioned/refereed] in Abdennour. Benantar, Editor, Europe et Maghreb: proximité immédiate et distanciation stratégique, Algiers, CREAD, 2010, pp. 383-398.
“Conflict in Western Sahara,” [Commissioned/refereed] in David Sorenson, Editor, Interpreting the Modern Middle East: Essential Themes, Westview Press, 2010, pp. 303-336.
“La Géopolitique et la Realpolitik, obstacles à la résolution du conflit et violation du droit international : Le Cas du Sahara occidental,” [Commissioned]in Vincent Chapaux, Karin Arts & Pedro Pinto Leite, Editors, Le Droit international et la Question du Sahara occidental, Lisbonne, Portugal: IPJET, 2009, pp. 275-297.
“Cross-cultural communication and management, implications to MBA students”
(跨文化沟通与管理—MBA的理性思考in Chinese), in Wang Fanghua, Editor, The Immersion by the Spring Rain in the Night, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing house (上海辞书出版社), 2009, pp. 171-178.
“Political Parties in Algeria,” [Commissioned]in Akaram Akaram, Editor, Political Parties in the ArabWorld, Beirut, Lebanon, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, forthcoming.
“The Algerian Crisis in European and US Foreign Policies: A Hindsight Analysis,” [Commissioned/refereed] with Hakim Darbouche, in Francesco Cavatorta and Vincent Durac, The Foreign Policies of the United States the European Union in the Middle East, Routledge, 2009, pp. 32-54.
“Reformist Islamic Thinkers in the Maghreb: Toward an Islamic Age of Enlightenment?” Reformist Voices of Islam: Mediating Tradition and Modernity, edited by Shireen Hunter, M.E. Sharpe Publisher, 2009, pp. 132-158. [Commissioned/refereed]
“The United States and Algeria: Hostility, Pragmatism, and Partnership,” [Commissioned/refereed] in Robert Looney, Editor, Handbook on US Middle East Relations, London & New York: Routledge, 2009, pp. 219-236.
“The United States and Libya: The Long Road to reconciliation,” [Commissioned/refereed] in Robert Looney, Editor, Handbook on US Middle East Relations, London & New York: Routledge, 2009, pp. 262-280.
“The United States and Morocco: The Long-Lasting Alliance,” [Commissioned/refereed] in Robert Looney, Editor, Handbook on US Middle East Relations, London & New York: Routledge, 2009, pp. 237-248.
“The United States and Tunisia: Model of Stable Relations,” [Commissioned/refereed] in Robert Looney, Editor, Handbook on US Middle East Relations, London & New York: Routledge, 2009, pp. 249-261.
“Islamism and Insurgency in Post-Independence Algeria,” [Commissioned/refereed] in Barry Rubin, Editor, Conflict and Insurgency in the Modern Middle East, Routledge, 2009, pp. 232-254.
“The United States, Islamism, Terrorism, and Democracy in the Maghreb: The Predominance of Security? In North Africa: Politics, Region and the Limits of Transformation, co-edited with Haizam Amirah-Fernandèz (Foreword by William B. Quandt), Routledge Publisher, 2008, pp. 266-293.
“Resilience of Authoritarianism in the Southern Mediterranean: The Case of the Maghreb Countries,” to be published by the Pablo Iglesias Foundation in an edited volume.
“Geopolitics and Realpolitik as Impediments to the Resolution of Conflict and Violation of International Law: The Case of Western Sahara” [Commissioned] in Karin Arts & Pedro Pinto Leite, Editors, International Law and the Question of Western Sahara, Leiden, Netherlands: IPJET, 2007, pp. 275-297.
“Sécurité et Bonne Gouvernance en Méditerranée: Sécuritisation vs. Démocratisation,” [Commissioned] in Vème Séminaire International sur la Sécurité et la Défense en Méditerranée : La Sécurité Multidimensionnelle, Barcelona: Colecció Monografías, 2007, 145-148. Also published in the English and Spanish editions.
“The United States and Libya: From Confrontation to Cooperation—The Rogue Turned Good Fellow,” [Commissioned/refereed] in Abdennour Benantar, Editor, Les Etats-Unis et le Maghreb-Regain d’intérêt? Algiers, Editions du CREAD, 2007, pp. 205-225.
“La República Democrática y Popular de Argelia,” [Commissioned] in Anuario Internacional CIDOB 2006[Edición 2007], Barcelona, Spain: Fundació CIDOB, 2007, pp. 481-487.
“La Gestion de Crises dans les sociétés contemporaines: Les leçons de l’Ouragan Katrina,”[Crisis Management in Contemporary Societies : The Case of Hurricane Katrina] with Lucas Dufour, in Lucas Dufour, Editor, Le risque dans sa diversité, une approche pluridisciplinaire, Paris: Hermès Lavoisier, 2008, pp. 265-280.
“La Gestion des Crises Dues aux Catastrophes Naturelles: Les Leçons de Katrina,” with Lucas Dufour, Pour un débat citoyen sur la défense civile, Actes du Colloque International sur la Défense civile, Algiers: Editions ANEP, 2007, pp. 195-230.
“Les Etats-Unis et le Maghreb central: un intérêt croissant,” [Commissioned/ refereed] in: Nourredine Abdi, Editor, Algérie, Maghreb: le pari méditerranéen, Paris: Paris Méditerranée/Institut du monde arabe, 2006, pp. 223-247.
“The Maghreb: Social, Political, and Economic Developments,” with Louisa Dris-Aït Hamadouche, [Commissioned/refereed] in Mehdi Parvizi, Editor, The Greater Middle East in Global Politics: Social Science Perspectives on the Changing Geography of World Politics, Leiden, Boston, & London: Brill Academic Publishers, 2007, pp. 249-278.
“The Fate of Political Islam in Algeria,” with Louisa Aït-Hamadouche, [Commissioned/refereed]in Bruce Maddy-Weitzman and D. Zisenwine, Editors, The Contemporary Maghrib, University Press of Florida, 2007, pp. 103-131.
“Human Resource Management in Tunisia,” [Commissioned/refereed]with Dorra Yahiaoui, in Pawan Budhwar and Kamel Mellahi, Editors, Human Resources Management in the Middle East, London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 233-249.
“The Resurgence of Algeria’s Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century,” in Michael Bonner, Megan Reif, & Mark Tessler, Editors, Islam, Democracy, and the State in Algeria, London: Routledge, 2005, pp. 169-183.
“Resilient Authoritarianism, Uncertain Democratization, and Jihadism in Algeria,” [Commissioned/ refereed] in William J. Crotty, Editor, Democratic Development and Political Terrorism: The Global Perspective, Boston, Massachusetts: Northeastern University Press, 2005, pp. 280-300.
“Libya, Radical Islamism and the Global War on Terrorism,” in Jason S. Purcell & Joshua D. Weintraub, Editors,The Libya Model: Implications—A Compendium, (Washington, DC: The Atlantic Council of the United States, July 2005), pp. 9-18, available at:http://www.acus.org/docs/0507ACUS_Compendium_On_Terrorism.pdf.
“Penal Reform in Algeria,” with Louisa Aït-Hamadouche, [Commissioned/ refereed]Providing Security for People: Enhancing Security through Police, Justice and Intelligence Reform in Africa. Chris Ferguson and Jeffrey O. Isima, Editors, London: Global Facilitation Network for Security Sector Reform, 2004, pp. 75-84.
“The Dialectics of Algeria’s Foreign Relations from 1990 to the Present,” [Commissioned/ refereed] in Ahmed Aghrout, with Rédha Bougherira, Editor, Algeria in Transition-Reforms and Development Prospects, London: Routledge, 2004, pp. 151-82.
“Should the Western Sahara Become and Independent State?” [Commissioned/ refereed] in David Lesch, Editor, History in Dispute: The Middle East since 1945,” St-James Press/Manly Publishers, 2003, p. 276-281.
“The Rise of Civil Society in Arab States,” [Commissioned/ refereed] in David Lesch, Editor, History in Dispute: The Middle East since 1945,” St-James Press/Manly Publishers, 2003, p. 81-85.
“American Foreign Policy in the Maghreb: Conflicting US Interests in Promoting Democracy, Containing Radical Islamism, and Assuring Regional Stability,” [Solicited] in Mondialisation et Sécurité: Sécurité pour tous ou insécurité partagée? Actes du Colloque International ‘Mondialisation et Sécurité, Alger 4-7 mai 2002, Vol. 1. Algiers : Editions ANEP, 2003, p. 121-128.
“La dialectique de la politique étrangère algérienne de 1992 à nos jours,” [Solicited] Eds. ADEM & Jeune Indépendant, Perspectives Algérie 2010: Démocratie et Développement. Oran, Algeria : Editions Dar el Gharb, 2003, pp. 300-324.
“The Maghreb States and the United States after 9/11: A Problematic Relationship,” [Solicited/ refereed] in Sigrid Faath, Editor, Neue geopolitische Konstellation im Nahen Osten nach dem 11. September 2001, Hamburg, Germany: Deutsches Orient-Institut, 2003, pp. 167-180.
“Religion and Politics in Algeria: Islamic Secularism and Its Consequences,” [Solicited/refereed] in Rolin Mainuddin, editor, Religion and Politics: An Examination of the Explosive Interaction, London: Ashgate Publisher, 2002, pp. 78-101.
“The Political Economy of Tourism in Algeria,” [Solicited/refereed] in Yiorgos Apostolopoulos et al., Editors, Mediterranean Tourism: Facets of Socioeconomic Development and Cultural Change, London: Routledge Publisher, 2001, pp. 211-25.
“State and Civil Society in Algeria,” [Refereed] in Yahia H. Zoubir, Editor, North Africa in Transition: State, Society, and Economic Transformation in the 1990s, Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1999, pp. 29-42.
“The Geopolitics of the Western Sahara Conflict,” [Refereed] in Zoubir, Editor, North Africa in Transition: State, Society, and Economic Transformation in the 1990s, UPF, 1999, pp. 195-211.
“United States Policy in the Maghreb,” [Refereed] co-authored with Stephen Zunes, in Zoubir, Editor,North Africa in Transition: State, Society, and Economic Transformation in the 1990s, UPF, 1999, pp. 227-243.
“State, Civil Society, and the Question of Radical Islamism in Algeria,” [Solicited/ refereed] Chapter in Islamic Fundamentalism: Myths and Realities, edited by Ahmad Moussalli, Ithaca Press, 1998, pp. 123-167.
“The Middle East and North Africa,” [Commissioned] The Thunderbird Guide to International Business on the World Wide Web, edited by Candace Deans, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997, pp. 107-112.
“Algeria: Democratic Transition at a Standstill,” [Solicited/refereed] chapter inEconomic Crisis and Political Change in North Africa, edited by Azzedine Layachi, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1998, pp. 31-53.
“Western Sahara: Political Economy of a Conflict,” [Solicited/refereed] chapter in Economic Crisis and Political Change in North Africa, edited by Azzedine Layachi. NY: Praeger Publishers, 1998, pp. 149-163.
“The Algerian Political Crisis: Domestic, Regional, and International Repercussions,” [Commissioned] in Álvaro Vasconcelos, Yahia H. Zoubir et al., L’Islamisme Politique dans les Rapports entre l’Europe et le Maghreb, Lisbon, Portugal: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1996, pp. 10-36.
“Origins and Development of the Conflict in the Western Sahara,” [Refereed] in Zoubir and Volman, The International Dimensions of the Western Sahara Conflict, pp. 1-16.
“Moscow, the Maghreb and Conflict in the Western Sahara,” [Refereed] in Zoubir and Volman, The International Dimensions of the Western Sahara Conflict, pp. 103-125.
“The Western Sahara Conflict in the Post-Cold War Era,” with Daniel Volman, [Refereed] in Zoubir and Volman, The International Dimensions of the Western Sahara Conflict, pp. 227-239.
“L’URSS au Maghreb: Une Stratégie équilibrée at une approche pragmatique,” [Commissioned/refereed] in Le Maghreb: Les Années de Transition, edited by Bassma Kodmani-Darwish, Paris: Institut Français desRelations Internationales/Masson, 1990, pp. 341-360.
“The Soviet Union and the Arab States since 1967,” [Solicited/refereed] in Yehuda Lukacs and Abdallah Battah, Editors, The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Two Decades of Change, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988, pp. 293-307.
“How National Interests Trump International Legality: Western Powers and the Decolonization of Western Sahara,” (with S. Lagdaf), [Commissioned], Western Sahara Review, Issue 4, spring 2016, https://www.scribd.com/doc/311141111/Western-Sahara-Review-4-Revista-del-Sahara-Occidental-Spring-2016
“L’Algérie face à l’Arc des Menaces: Quelle stratégie?” (with Djallil Lounnas), [Commissioned/refereed], Sécurité et Stratégie (Paris), forthcoming, 2016.
“The Eagle’s Nest in the Horn of Africa: US Military Deployment in Djibouti and the Dynamics of its Evolution,” with Degang SUN), [Refereed], Africa Spectrum, Vol. 51, No. 1, April 2016, pp. 111–124.
“Algeria after the Arab Spring,” Foreign Affairs, February 2016, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/algeria/2016-02-09/algeria-after-arab-spring
“China’s Economic Diplomacy towards the Arab Countries: Challenges Ahead,” with Degang SUN), [Refereed] Journal ofContemporary China, Vol. 24, No. 95, September 2015, pp. 93-921.
“The Democratic Transition in Tunisia: A Success Story in the Making,” Conflict Trends (South Africa), Special Issue on the Arab Spring, 1. 2015.
“Le danger est réel et vient surtout des groupes djihadistes qui sont bien armés,” Liberté (Algiers), March 2015, http://www.liberte-algerie.com/entretien/le-danger-est-reel-et-vient-surtout-des-groupes-djihadistes-qui-sont-bien-armes-222934
“L’Algérie face à la crise Libyenne : Quels dangers et quelles options pour la sécurité nationale ? (with Djallil Lounnas), Le Quotidien d’Oran, March 2015.http://www.lequotidien-oran.com/?archive_date=2015-03-24&news=5211150
“Les menaces viennent de l’intérieur même du pays,” Liberté, February 2015, http://www.liberte-algerie.com/actualite/les-menaces-viennent-de-linterieur-meme-du-pays-219683
“Algeria’s Roles in the OAU/African Union: From National Liberation Promoter to Leader in the Global War on Terrorism [Refereed] Mediterranean Politics,” Vol. 21, 1 (2015), pp. 55-75.
“China-Arab States Strategic Partnership: Myth or Reality?” with Degang Sun, Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Vol. 8, No. 3 September 2014, pp. 70-101.
“L’Irak au bord d’une catastrophe que les décideurs à Washington n’ont pas envisagé,” Interview, Reporters, 14 June 2014, available at : http://www.reporters.dz/yahia-h-zoubir-professeur-en-relations-internationales-et-directeur-de-recherche-en-geopolitique-a-euromed-management-lirak-au-bord-dune-catastrophe-que-les-decideurs-a-wa/8992
“China’s Response to the Revolts in the Arab World: A Case of Pragmatic Diplomacy,” (with Degang Sun), [Refereed], Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 19, 1, March 2014, pp. 2-20.
“Algeria,” in, World Almanac of Islamism2013, available at: http://almanac.afpc.org/Algeria
“Il n’y a pas des retombées majeures de la crise russo-ukrainienne sur l’Algérie” Reporters, 12 May 2014.
“Il est improbable que les Etats-Unis favorisent le président sortant ou un candidat de l’opposition,” Reporters, 31 March 2014, available at: http://www.reporters.dz/le-dr-yahia-h-zoubir-professeur-en-relations-internationales-et-directeur-de-recherche-en-geopolitique-a-euromed-management-il-est-improbable-que-les-etats-unis-favorisent-le-president-sorta/1738
“L’Algérie est importante au niveau sécuritaire pour les USA” Liberté, 8 April 2014, http://www.liberte-algerie.com/actualite/l-algerie-est-importante-au-niveau-securitaire-pour-les-usa-yahia-zoubir-a-liberte-218990
“L’Algérie aurait dû entreprendre une action militaire,” Interview in Le Soir d’Algérie, 15 January 2013, http://www.lesoirdalgerie.com/articles/2013/01/15/article.php?sid=144016&cid=2
“Algeria and the Sahelian Imbroglio: Preventing War and Fighting Terrorism,” Al Jazeera Center for Studies, November 2012, available at: http://studies.aljazeera.net/en/reports/2012/11/2012112595748907324.htm
“The Sahara-Sahel Quagmire : Regional and International Implications,” [Commissioned/refereed] Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 17, No. 3, 452–458, November 2012.
“The Arab turmoil: an exploratory interpretation,” [Commissioned/refereed] The Maghreb Review, Vol. 37 Nos. 3-4, 2012, pp. 323-333.
“Les Etats-Unis ont ouvert la boîte de Pandore,” Interview in Le Soir d’Algérie, 18 September 2012, http://www.lesoirdalgerie.com/articles/2012/09/18/article.php?sid=139293&cid=2
“Global insider: Morocco and U.S. Stay Close as War on Terror Evolves,” Interview article in, World Politics Review, July 2012, http://wpr.vu/c6KnW
“From Hard Military Bases to Soft Military Presence: US Military Deployment in Iraq Reassessed,” (with Degang Sun, [Refereed], Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia),Vol. 6, No. 3, 2012, 85-106
“Les Etats-Unis, l’Europe, et la Libye: De la Réhabilitation de Kadhafi à son renversement, [Refereed], L’Année du Maghreb, VIII, 2012, 457-469.
“Tilting the Balance toward Intra-Maghreb Unity in Light of the Arab Spring,” [Commissioned/refereed], International Spectator, Vol. 47, No. 3 September 2012, 64-80.
“The Libya Spawn, What the Dictator's Demise Unleashed in the Middle East,” Snapshot, Foreign Affairs, July 2012, available at: http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/137796/yahia-h-zoubir/qaddafis-spawn.
“The End of the Libyan Dictatorship: The Uncertain Transition,” with Erzsébet Rózsa, [Refereed], Third World Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 7, July 2012, pp. 1269-1285.
“Algérie: Des réformes politiques pour éluder le ‘printemps arabe,’” with Ahmed Aghrout, [Commissioned/refereed] Alternatives Sud (Belgium) Special Issue,
“Le ‘printemps arabe’: un premier bilan,” Bichara Khader, Guest-Editor, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 137-152.
“Algeria’s Path to Political Reforms: Authentic Change?” with Ahmed Aghrout, [Refereed], Middle East Policy, Vol. 19, No. 2, Summer 2012, pp. 66-83.
“Les révolutions du monde arabe: la fin du mythe de l’exception,” [Refereed], Maghreb-Machrek, No. 210, Winter 2011-2012, pp. 41-52.
“El colapso de la dictadura de Gadafi: ¿qué futuro para Libia,”[The Collapse of Qaddafi’s Dictatorship: What Future for Libya?] Foro Internacional( Colegio de México), [Commissioned/refereed], Vol. 52, No. 2, April-June 2012, pp. 361-378.
“Algeria and the Arab Spring,”EuroMeSCo-IEMed Policy Brief, No. 17, October 20, 2011, [Commissioned/refereed] available at: http://www.euromesco.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1265%3Anew-brief-the-arab-spring-is-algeria-the-exception &catid=1%3Alatest&Itemid=42&lang=fr .
“Sentry Box in the Backyard: Analysis of French Military Bases in Africa,” (with Degang Sun, [Refereed], Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Vol. 5, No. 3, September 2011, pp. 82-104.
“Russia and Algeria: Reconciling Contrasting Interests,” [Commissioned/ refereed], The Maghreb Review, Vol. 36. 3, September 2011, pp. 99-126.
“French-Algerian Relations: The Weight of History,” Aljazeera Center for Studies, 7 July 2011, available at: http://www.aljazeera.net/mritems/streams/2011/7/14/1_1074008_1_51.pdf.
“The United States and Libya: The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy” [Refereed], Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2, June 2011, pp. 275-297.
“L’Intervention en Libye risqué de renforcer AQMI et son idéologie,” interview in Jeune Afrique (Paris), 20 April 2011, available at: http://www.jeuneafrique.com/Articleimp_ARTJAWEB20110420163115_yahia-zoubir-l-intervention-en-libye-risque-de-renforcer-aqmi-et-son-ideologie.html.
“Les Puissances occidentales vont devoir réviser leurs stratégies,” Liberté (Algiers), 19 March 2011, available at: http://www.liberte-algerie.com/edit_archive.php?id=152707.
“Nihayet nidham al-guedafi,” [“The End of the Qaddafi Regime,”], Al-Jazeera Studies Center, 23 February 2011, available at: http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/3F809955-25E8-48C0-A8B6-E1717B64C6B5.htm.
“Lutte antiterroriste au Sahel: Les Etats-Unis ne semblent pas partager la démarche de la France,” Interview in Algérie Presse Service and El-Moudjahid (Algiers), 24 January 2011, available at: http://www.elmoudjahid.com/fr/actualites/8401.
“Eles querem romper com décadas de opressão,” [The fight is not over],” interview on the events in Egypt, Vaolor Econõmico (Brazil), 4 February, 2011. http://www.valoronline.com.br/impresso/especial/47662/378993/eles-querem-romper-com-decadas-de-opressao.
“Les pays occidentaux continueront à payer les rançons,” Interview on the crisis in the Sahel region, in Le Soir d’Algérie, 23 September 2010.http://www.lesoirdalgerie.com/articles/2010/09/23/article.php?sid=106357&cid=2.
“The Unresolved Western Sahara Conflict and its Repercussions,” [Refereed], Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia)[Published for the Middle East Institute ofShanghai International Studies University & the US Asian Cultural Academy], [Commissioned/refereed], Vol. 4, No. 2 (July 2010), pp. 85-99.
“The Unresolved Western Sahara Conflict,” Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security (IPRIS), [Commissioned], No. 2, May 2010, pp. 15-18, available at: http://www.ipris.org/?menu=6&page=59.
“The Western Sahara Conflict: Regional and International Repercussions,” Bulletin of Concerned Africa Scholars [Commissioned/refereed], 85, Spring 2010, pp. 72-77. Available online: http://concernedafricascholars.org/bulletin/85/.
“Algeria,” World Almanac of Islamism (Foreign Policy Council),
“Le Conflit du Sahara occidental: Enjeux régionaux et internationaux,”Le Kiosque (electronic publication), [Commissioned/refereed], Special Dossier, “Changement et Continuité au Maghreb,” Centre d’études et de recherches internationales, CERI Sciences Po (Paris), February 2010, http://www.ceri-sciencespo.com/.
“Foreign Powers as Hindrance to the Resolution of the Western Sahara Conflict,” Journal of North African Studies [Commissioned/refereed], forthcoming.
“Libya and Europe: Economic Realism at the Rescue of the Qaddafi Authoritarian Regime,” Special Issue, Europe and North Africa: A Multifaceted Relationship, Co-Guest Editor with Ahmed Aghrout, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3, December 2009, pp. 401-415.
“Pouvoir et opposition en Algérie: Vers une transition prolongée,”with Louisa Dris-Aït-Hamadouche, L’Année du Maghreb 2009 [Refereed] Paris : CNRS, November 2009, pp. 111-127.
“The United States and Maghreb-Sahel Security,” International Affairs (UK) [Commissioned/refereed], 85, 5, Fall 2009, September 2009, pp. 977-995.
“Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize: ‘A Call for Action?’” Espace Prépas, Special Issue: États-Unis: The Come-Back? No. 122, October 2009, pp. 90-93.
“Les Etats-Unis et l’Algérie: Antagonisme, Pragmatisme et Coopération,” Maghreb-Machrek, Spécial Issue, L’Algérie face aux Crises, Guest-Editor, No. 200, Summer 2009, pp. 71-90.
“Tunisia,” [Commissioned] The 2009 Annual Register: World Events, Cambridge & Maryland, ProQuest, 2009, 239-240.
“Libya,” [Commissioned] The 2009 Annual Register: World Events, Cambridge, UK & Maryland, USA, 2009, pp. 237-238.
“Introducing Algeria’s President for Life,” with Ahmed Aghrout, Middle East Report Online [Refereed], April 2009, available at: http://www.merip.org/mero/mero040109.html.
“Errements dans les relations France-Algérie,” Maghreb-Machrek, No. 197, Autumn 2008, pp. 31-38.
“L’Union pour la Méditerranée: Avons-nous les vrais moyens pour les vraies ambitions?” with Bernard Paranque, Techniques Financières et Développement, TDF [Solicited], No. 93 (December 2008), pp. 33-35.
“Contestation islamiste et lutte antiterroriste en Libye, 1990-2007,” L’Année du Maghreb 2008, Paris: CNRS Editions, 2008, pp. 267-277.
“The Algerian Crisis in European and US Foreign Policies: A Hindsight Analysis,” with Hakim Darbouche, [Refereed] Journal of North African Studies, Special Issue, Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2009, 33–55.
“Developments in the Maghreb: the EU and the US -Competition or Cooperation?” The Istituto Affari Internazionale (Italy), June 2008.
“Le Conflit du Sahara Occidental: Un Décolonisation Inachevée,” Sahara occidental: Une Colonie en Mutation, Collection l’Ouest saharien, Hors série No. 7, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2008, pp. 139-154.
“Conflicting International Policies and the Western Sahara Stalemate,” with Hakim Darbouche, TheInternational Spectator (Italy) [Commissioned/refereed], Vol. 43, No. 1, March 2008, pp. 91-105.
“Stalemate in Western Sahara: Ending International Legality,” Middle East Policy [Commissioned/refereed], Special Issue on North Africa, Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2007-08, pp. 158-177.
“Le Conflit du Sahara Occidental: Une Décolonisation inachevée,” Les Débats (Algiers), 27 Nov.–6 Dec. 2007, pp. 16-19.
“The Maghreb: Social, Political, and Economic Developments,” with Louisa Dris-Aït-Hamadouche, Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, [Commissioned/refereed], Special Issue: The Greater Middle East in Global Politics, Vol. 6, Nos. 1-3, Summer 2007, pp. 261-290.
“Terrorisme et Démocratie en Méditerranée occidentale,” Afkar/Idées [Commissioned], No. 14, Summer 2007, pp.45-48.
“North Africa,” Encyclopedia of Modern World [Commissioned], Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 452-455.
“Les négociations Maroc-Polisario : ‘Rabat donne de faux espoirs aux Sahraouis,’” Interview in Les Débats (Algiers), 11-17 July 2007, available at : http://www.lesdebats.com/editionsdebats/110707/monde.htm.
“Sarkozy souhaite recouvrer l’influence de la France dans la région,” Interview in Liberté (Algiers), 10 July 2007, p. 2.
“Saudi Arabia’s Bilateral Relations with the Gulf War Protagonists,” with Louisa Aït-Hamadouche, Journal of Third World Studies [Refereed], Vol. 24, No. 1, Spring 2007, pp. 109-135.
“Les Etats-Unis et le Maghreb: Primauté de la Sécurité, Marginalité de la démocratie, ” in L’Année du Maghreb 2005-2006[Refereed]. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2007, pp.563-584.
“Les relations entre l’Espagne et l’Algérie: entretien avec Yahia H. Zoubir,” Les Débats, 21-27 March 2007, pp. 14-15 ; available at : http://www.lesdebats.com/editionsdebats/210307/monde.htm.
“En relations internationales on ne donne rien pour rien: les rapports avec Madrid” Interview article, Liberté, 14 March 2007, available at: http://www.liberte-algerie.com/edit.php?id=73857
“The United States and the Maghreb: Islamism, Democratization, and Strategic Interests,” with Louisa Aït-Hamadouche, The Maghreb Review [Refereed], (London), Vol. 31, Nos. 3-4, 2006, pp. 259-292.
“American Policy in the Maghreb: The Conquest of a New Region,” The Elcano Royal Institute, WP 13/2006,Madrid, Spain, July 2006. http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/documentos/250/250_Zoubir_American_PolicyMaghreb.pdf. The article is also available in Spanish: “La política estadounidense en el Magreb:¿a la conquista de una nueva región?” http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/documentos/275.asp
“Islamisme en Algérie : institutionnalisation du politique et déclin du militaire” co-authored with Louisa Aït-Hamadouche, Maghreb-Machrek (Paris) [Solicited/refereed], No. 188, Summer 2006, pp. 63-86.
“The United States and Libya: From Confrontation to Normalization,” Middle East Policy [Refereed], Vol. 13, No. 2, Summer 2006, pp. 48-70.
“La Politique étrangère américaine au Maghreb: Constances et adaptations,” Middle East Review of International Affairs (French Edition) [Refereed], Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2006. http://meria.idc.ac.il/journal_fr/2006/jv1no1a8.html.
“Importance de la sécurité, marginalité de la démocratie: la politique étrangère américaine au Maghreb,” Liberté Daily newspaper (Algiers) over 6 days, 3-9 August 2006.
“Paris et Washington sont responsables du blocage actuel,” Interview article [Solicited], Liberté (Algiers), 18 May 2006, p. 15.
“Le Maroc s’est ridiculisé en accusant le Polisario d’être une organisation terroriste,” Interview article [Solicited], Le Soir d’Algérie, 28 février 2006, p. 5.
“Tôt ou tard le traité franco-algérien sera signé,” Interview article [Solicited] La Voix de l’Oranie (Algeria), 2 February 2006.
“Anti-Americanism in North Africa: Can State Relations Overcome Popular Resentment?” with Louisa Aït-Hamadouche, Journal of North African Studies[Refereed], Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 39-58.
“La Démocratie dans le monde: une opinion américaine surprenante,” with Louisa Dris Aït-Hamadouche, El Watan, 4 January 2006 http://www.elwatan.com/2006-01-04/2006-01-04-33674.
“La Démocratie dans le monde: une opinion américaine surprenante,” with Louisa Dris Aït-Hamadouche, Géostratégie, 5 January 2006. http://www.geostrategie.com/cogit_content/verbatim/Ladmocratieetlemondeuneopi.shtml.
“Les Etats-Unis et l’espace Euro-Méditerranéen : Complémentarité, Rivalité et Réajustement d’Influence, coopération?” Géoéconomie [Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique], [Commissioned], No. 35, Fall 2005, pp. 65-83.
“Libye: Islamisme radical et lutte antiterroriste,” Maghreb-Machrek [Refereed](Paris), No. 184, summer 2005, pp. 53-66.
“Libya, Radical Islamism, and the Global War on Terrorism,” Atlantic Council of the United States, Compendium, 2005.
“Les USA sont conscients de l’importance du pétrole en Algérie,” Interview avec le Professeur Yahia H. Zoubir, Les Débats (Algiers), 9-15 February 2005, p. 12-13. http://www.lesdebats.com/rubriques/etude.htm#2.
“Changement et Continuité de la Politique des Etats-Unis au Maghreb,” Afkar/Idées, Quarterly Review for Dialogue between the Maghreb, Spain and Europe [Commissioned] Special Issue of the European Institute of the Mediterranean and Estudios de Política Exterior SA, (Barcelona, Spain), No. 5, Winter 2005, pp. 55-58. Reprinted in Les Débats (Algiers), 6-12 April 2005, http://www.lesdebats.com/archives05/archives05.htm
“United States and the North African Imbroglio: Balancing Interests in Algeria, Morocco, and the Western Sahara,” co-authored with Karima Benabdallah-Gambier [doctoral candidate], Mediterranean Politics, [Refereed], Vol.10, No. 2, July 2005, pp. 181-202.
“Libya, Radical Islamism, and the Global War on Terrorism,” [Commissioned] Libya: Past, Present, and the Future. Washington, DC: Atlantic Council of the United States, 2005, forthcoming.
“Malek Bennabi,” [Commissioned] Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa (EMMENA), edited by Philip Mattar, NJ: MacMillan Press, 2004.
“Khalida Toumi,” [Commissioned]Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa (EMMENA), edited by Philip Mattar, NJ: MacMillan, 2004.
“Islamic Salvation Army,” [Commissioned]Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa (EMMENA), edited by Philip Mattar, NJ: MacMillan, 2004.
“Saïd Sadi,” [Commissioned] Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa (EMMENA), edited by Philip Mattar, NJ: MacMillan, 2004.
“Kateb Yacine,” [Commissioned]Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa (EMMENA), edited by Philip Mattar, NJ: MacMillan, 2004.
“Parti de l’Avant-Garde Socialiste (Algeria),” [Commissioned] Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa (EMMENA), edited by Philip Mattar, NJ: MacMillan, 2004.
“Liamine Zeroual,” [commissioned] Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa (EMMENA), edited by Philip Mattar, NJ: Macmillan, 2004.
“The Resurgence of Algeria’s Foreign Policy in the 21st Century,” Special Issue of TheJournal of North African Studies[Commissioned/refereed], Vol. 9, No. 2 (Summer 2004), p. 169-183.
“Morocco, Western Sahara and the Future of the Maghrib,” (with Karima Benabdallah-Gambier, doctoral candidate), The Journal of North African Studies [Commissioned/refereed], Vol. 9, No. 1, Spring 2004, pp. 49-77.
“Négocier: tout un art!” article by Raymond Morin & Réjean Roy, based on interviews with Yahia Zoubir & Gregoty Kersten [University of Concordia], Perspectives (Quebec, Canada), Vol. 2, 2004 Edition, p. 40-43.
“International Negotiations: A Professional’s Approach,” Interview with Joseph Chriqui, Sr. V.P., Alstom Power Turbo-Systems, Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 45, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2003, pp. 695-700.
“Sahara Occidental: une question géopolitique pour l’Algérie,” Interview in LesDébats [Algiers] [Solicited], Part II, 6-12 August 2003, p. 9.
“Sahara Occidental: une question géopolitique pour l’Algérie,” Interview in LesDébats[Solicited], Part 1, 30 July-5 August 2003, p. 8-9.
“Western Saharan Deadlock” (co-authored with Karima Benabdallah-Gambier, doctoral candidate), Middle East Report [MERIP] [Commissioned/refereed],227,summer 2003, p. 8-11.
“La Dialectique de la politique étrangère algérienne de 1992 à nos jours,” LeJeune Indépendant [Commissioned],Hors Série, No. 1111-0115, April 2003, p. 49-52.
“Résoudre les problèmes à leur source pour éviter que d’autres despérados ne soient tentés par l’aventure terroriste,” Interview in El-Djeich (magazine of the Algerian Armed Forces), No. 474, January 2003, p. 38.
“L’Irak bouc émissaire pour les événements du 11 Septembre,” Le Jeune Indépendant[Solicited] [Algiers], 20 March 2003, p. 5.
“Am’rica sa’adat el jezair beshourout” [The United States Provided Assistance to Algeria under Conditions], Interview, Al Ahrar[in Arabic, Algiers], 28 October 2002, p. 3.
“La Crise de légitimité est en partie responsable de la crise algérienne,” Interview, LesDébats[Solicited], 26 June-2 July 2002, pp. 17-19.
“A Bâtons Rompus,” Interview, Débats (Algiers) [Solicited], 19-25 June 2002, p. 17.
“La question du Sahara occidental: Nous sommes dans une situation de statu quo insupportable” Interview, Carrefour d’Oran[Solicited](Algeria), 5 May 2003, p. 5 & 6 May 2003, p. 5.
“Analyse des derniers développements au Sahara Occidental—Mohamed VI ne maîtrise pas la situation,” Interview in Le Jeune Indépendant [Solicited], 21 March 2002, p. 7, 23 March 2002, p. 4.
“Algeria and U.S. Interests: Containing Radical Islamism and Promoting Democracy,”Middle East Policy[Commissioned; refereed], Vol. 9, 1 March2002, pp. 64-81.
“Libya in US Foreign Policy: From Rogue State to Good Fellow?” Third WorldQuarterly[refereed], Vol. 23, No. 1 (2002), February 2002, pp. 31-53.
“The United States and Algeria: From Conflict to Cooperation”[Commissioned; refereed], Nacíon Arabe [Madrid, Spain], Vol. 15, No. 47, January 2002.
“Sàhara Occidental—La ‘tercera vía: ‘Realpolitik’ frente a legalidad internacional,” [The Third Way in Western Sahara: Realpolitik vs. International Legality] [Commissioned; refereed], Nacíon Arabe [Madrid, Spain], Vol. 15, No. 45, October 2001, pp. 73-85.
“Les Attaques terroristes du 11 septembre et leur impact sur la politique étrangère américaine: Entretien avec le Professeur Yahia Zoubir” [The 11 September Terrorist Attacks and Their Impact on US Policy: Interview with professor Yahia Zoubir,” Le Jeune Indépendant [Algiers], 27 September 2001, pp. 4, 6.
Algerian-Moroccan Relations and Their Impact on Maghrebi Integration,” Journal of North African Studies (UK&US) [Refereed], Vol. 5, No. 3, Autumn 2000 (2001), pp. 43-74.
“Western Sahara,” The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World[Commissioned; refereed], 2nd Edition, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 907-908.
“North African Nationalism: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, and Western Sahara,” with Stephen Zunes, in Encyclopedia of Nationalism-Fundamental Themes, Vol.1[Commissioned; refereed], 2001, pp. 531-549.
“Negotiation in the Era of Globalization,” Geneva Today (Switzerland) [Commissioned], Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2000, pp. 19-20.
“The ‘Third Way’ in Western Sahara: Royal Path to a Resumption of War? ElKhabar (Algeria) [Commissioned], 12 September 2000, pp. 1, 8, 9.
“Algerian Democratic Transition under Bouteflika’s Rule: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back?” Civil Society[Commissioned] (Cairo, Egypt), Vol. 9, No. 101, May 2000, pp. 4-9.
“Doing Business in the Republic of Egypt,” Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, May-June 2000, pp. 329-348.
“The Algerian Crisis in World Affairs,” Journal of North African Studies[Refereed], Vol. 4, No. 3, Fall 1999, pp. 15-28.
“Security and the Prospects of Democratization in Algeria,” Jane’s Defense Weekly[Commissioned], 9 August 1999, p. 19.
“Doing Business in Hungary,” Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 41, No. 6, Nov.–Dec. 1999, pp. 639-654.
“The Algerian Presidential Election of 15 April 1999: An Analysis,”Civil Society-Democratization in the Middle East[Commissioned] (Cairo, Egypt),Vol. 8, No. 90, June 1999, pp. 15-21.
“Doing Business in the United Arab Emirates, Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 41, No. 2, March–April, 1999, pp. 215-229.
“The Question of Human Rights in Algeria: An Analytical Perspective,” co-authored, Journal of Algerian Studies[Refereed], Vol. 3, No. 1, 1999, pp. 1-18.
“Analysis: Algeria in Crisis” Jane'sDefence Weekly[Commissioned](UK), Vol. 30, No. 7, 19 August 1998, p. 22.
“Islamism and the Algerian Political Crisis: International Responses,” Cambridge Review ofInternational Affairs [Refereed], Vol. 11, No. 2, Spring 1998, pp. 117-133.
“Algeria’s Elections: Prelude to Democratization?” co-authored, Third World Quarterly [Refereed], Vol. 19, No. 2, June 1998, pp. 177-190.
“International Relations of the Western Sahara Conflict,” Annales de l’Ouest Saharien (The Western Sahara) [Commissioned] (Paris), Vol. 1, 1998, pp. 127-140.
“The Legislative Election of June 1997 and the Future of the Democratic Transition in Algeria,” co-authored, Representation-Journal of Representative Democracy[Refereed] (UK) Vol. 35, Nos. 2 & 3, Spring/Autumn 1998, pp. 168-174.
“The Algerian Political Crisis: Origins and Prospects for Democracy,” Journal ofNorth African Studies[Refereed](UK/US), Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 1998, pp. 75-100.
“The United States and Conflict in the Maghreb,” co-authored with Daniel Volman, Journal of North African Studies[Refereed] (London), Vol. 2, No. 3, 1998, pp. 10-24.
“Islam and Democracy in Malek Bennabi’s Thought,” The American Journal ofIslamic Social Sciences[Refereed], Vol. 15, No. 1, Spring 1998, pp. 107-112.
“In Search of Hegemony: The Western Sahara in Algerian-Moroccan Relations,” Journal of Algerian Studies[Refereed] (London), Vol. 2, 1997, pp. 43-61.
“Islamist Political Parties in Algeria,” Middle East Affairs Journal[refereed], Vol. 3, Nos. 1& 2, Winter/Spring, 1997-98, pp. 95-122.
“Algerian Islamists’ Conception of Democracy,” Arab Studies Quarterly[Refereed], Vol. 18, No. 3, Summer 1996, pp. 65-85.
“The Failure of Authoritarian Developmentalist Regimes and the Emergence of Radical Protest Movements in the Middle East and Africa: The Case of Algeria,” Journal of Third World Studies[Refereed], Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 1996, pp. 127-184.
“The Western Sahara Conflict: A Case Study in Failure of Prenegotiation and Prolongation of Conflict,” California Western International Law Journal[Commissioned], Vol. 26, No. 2, Spring 1996, pp. 173-213.
“Algeria: the Ballot Box versus the Bullet,” Jane’s Defense Weekly (UK) [Commissioned],” Vol. 25, No. 6, February 1996, pp. 19-21.
“Algerian Election Opens Door to a New Era?” Knight-Ridder Financial News [Commissioned], December 1995, pp. 1-3.
“The United Nations’ Failure in Resolving the Western Sahara Conflict,” with the collaboration of Anthony Pazzanita, Middle East Journal[Refereed], Special Issue on the UN and the Middle East, Vol. 49, No. 4, Fall 1995, pp. 614-628.
“US and Soviet Policies Toward France’s Struggle with Anti-Colonial Nationalism in North Africa,” Canadian Journal of History/Annales d’Histoire Canadiennes[Refereed], Vol. 30, No. 3, December 1995, pp. 439-466.
“Stalled Democratization of an Authoritarian Regime: The Case of Algeria,” Democratization[Refereed](UK), Vol. 2, No. 2, 1994–1995, pp. 109-139.
“The Role of Negotiations in the Western Sahara Conflict,” Humboldt Journal ofSocial Research[Commissioned; refereed], Vol. 20, No. 2, 1994–1995, pp. 1-44.
“The United States, the Soviet Union and the Decolonization of the Maghreb: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, 1945–1962.” Middle Eastern Studies[Refereed] (UK), Vol. 31, No. 1, January 1995, pp. 58-84.
“La Fin du Conflit au Sahara Occidental?” Nouvelles Sahraouies[Commissioned] (Geneva, Switzerland), No. 71, February 1994, pp. 5-8.
“The Painful Transition from Authoritarianism in Algeria,” Arab StudiesQuarterly[Refereed], Vol. 15, No. 3, Summer 1993, pp. 83-110.
“The New World Order and the Case of the Western Sahara: US Foreign Policy in Transition,” Mediterranean Quarterly[Refereed], Vol. 4, No. 2, Spring 1993, pp. 108-120.
“Reactions in the Maghreb to the Gulf Crisis and War,” Arab StudiesQuarterly[Refereed], Vol. 15, No. 1, Winter 1993, pp. 81-101.
“The Western Sahara,” Oxford Companion to Politics of the World[Commissioned; refereed], Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. 977-978.
“The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Maghreb: Prospects for the Future,” The MaghrebReview[Refereed] (London), Vol. 15, Nos. 3 & 4, Winter 1990–91, pp. 164-187.
“The Western Sahara Conflict: Regional and International Dimensions,” The Journal of Modern African Studies[Refereed](UK), Vol. 28, No. 2. June 1990, pp. 225-243.
“Western Sahara Conflict Impedes Maghreb Unity,” Middle East Report[Refereed], (MERIP) Vol. 20, No. 163, March–April 1990, pp. 28-29.
“Western Sahara: Back to the Battle,” The New African[Commissioned](UK), co-authored with Daniel Volman, March 1990, p. 19.
“Western Sahara: A Foreign Policy Success Waiting to Happen,” co-authored with Carlos Wilson, Trans Africa Forum[Commissioned], Vol. 6, Nos. 3 & 4, Spring–Summer 1989, pp. 27-39.
“Solution Needed for Western Sahara,” co-authored with Daniel Volman, The New African [Commissioned](UK), June 1989, p.38.
“The Soviet Union and Conflict in the Western Sahara,” Bulletin of theAssociation of Africa Scholars[Commissioned], No. 23, Spring 1988, pp. 8-9.
“Soviet Policy toward the Western Sahara Conflict,” Africa Today[Refereed], Vol. 34, No. 3, Fall 1987, pp. 17-32.
“Soviet Policy in the Maghreb,” Arab Studies Quarterly [Refereed], Vol. 9, No. 4, Fall 1987, pp. 399-421.
“Algeria’s Multidimensional Crisis: The Story of a Failed State-Building Process.” Article based on the review of four books: Mohammed Harbi. L’Algérie et son Destin-Croyants et Citoyens. Paris: Arcantère Editions, 1993; Rémy Leveau. Le Sabre et le Turban-L’Avenir du Maghreb. Paris: François Bourin, 1993; Jean-Jacques Lavenue. Algérie: La DémocratieInterdite. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1993; Benjamin Stora. Histoire de L’AlgérieIndépendante. Paris: Repères, 1994. In Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 32, No. 4, December 1994, pp. 741-747.
Shah Tarzi, “Iran-Iraq Foreign Policies: Impact of US Gulf Intervention,” International Journal of World Peace, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1992, pp. 33-48, reviewed in International Journal of World Peace, Vol. 10, No. 3, September 1993, pp. 57.
Stephen Zunes and Jacob Mundy, Western Sahara: War, Nationalism, and Conflict Irresolution (Syracuse University Press, 2011), reviewed in Mediterranean Politics, 17:2, 2012, pp. 255-257.
Yehudit Ronen, Qaddafi’s Libya in World politics (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008), reviewed in Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 45, No. 4, July 2009, pp.689–691.
Kenneth J. Perkins. A History of Modern Tunisia (Cambridge, 2004), reviewed in MESA Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 1&2, Winter 2008, pp. 193-94.
Azzam Tamimi. Rachid Ghannouchi: A Democrat within Islamism (Oxford, 2001), reviewed in Review of Middle East Studies, Vol. 43, No. 1,Summer 2009), pp. 140-142.
Tim Niblock. “Pariah States” and Sanctions in the Middle East: Iraq, Libya, Sudan (Boulder, CO, 2001), reviewed in Development in Practice, Vol. 12, No. 5, November 2002, pp. 670-72.
Ricardo René Laremont.Islam and the Politics of Resistance in Algeria, 1783–1992(New Jersey, 2000), reviewed in the Middle East Journal, Vol. 55, No. 2, Spring 2001, pp. 324-325.
Paul J. Magnarella, ed., Middle East & North Africa-Governance, Democratization, Human Rights (London, 1999), reviewed in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, Vol. 35, No. 1, Summer 2001, pp. 119-120.
Abed Charef, Algérie. Autopsie d'un massacre (Paris, 1998), reviewed in the Journal of Algerian Studies, Vol. 3 No. 1, 1999, pp. 127-129.
John P. Entelis, Ed. Islam, State and Society in North Africa (Indianapolis, 1997), reviewed in the Middle East Affairs Journal, Vol. 4, Nos. 1-2, Winter/Spring 1998, pp. 151-153.
Zeynep Çelik. Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations-Algiers Under French Rule (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1997), reviewed in The Muslim World, July 1999.
Martin Stone. The Agony of Algeria (New York, 1997) reviewed in The Muslim World, Vol. 89, Issue 2, p202, 3p
Anthony G. Pazzanita.Western Sahara (World Bibliographical Series) Oxford, 1996), reviewed in L’Ouest Saharien, Vol. 1, Summer 1998, pp. 196-97.
Samya El Machat. Les Etats—Unis et le Maroc: Le choix stratégique, 1945–1959 (Paris, 1996); Samya El Machat. Les Etats—Unis et la Tunisie: De l'ambiguiteà l'entente, 1945–1959 (Paris, 1996), Samya El Machat. Les Etats—Unis etl'Algérie: De la méconnaissance á la reconnaissance, 1945–1962, (Paris, 1996); reviewed in Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 35, No. 3, September 1997, pp. 536-38.
Martine de Froberville. Sahara Occidental. La Confiance Perdue (Paris, 1996), reviewed in Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 35, No. 2, June 1997, pp. 360-361, and in L’Ouest Saharien/The Western Sahara, Vol. 1, 1998, pp. 189-190.
Lucile Provost. La seconde guerre d’Algérie-Le quiproquo franco-algérien (Paris: Flammarion, 1996), reviewed in Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 34, No. 4, Dec. 1996, pp. 722-724.
Benjamin Stora. L’Algérie en 1995—La Guerre, l’histoire, la politique. Paris, 1995, reviewed in Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 1997, pp. 89-91.
Ahmed Rouadjia. Grandeur et décadence de I’État algérien (Paris, 1994) and Lahouari Addi. L’Algérie et al démocratie (Paris, 1994), reviewed in Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 34, No. 2, June 1996, pp. 362-364.
Omar Carlier. Entre Nation et Jihad-Histoire Sociale des RadicalismesAlgériens. Paris, 1995, reviewed in Middle East Journal, Vol. 50, No. 2, Summer 1996, pp. 429-430.
Lise Garon. L’Obsession Unitaire de la Nation Trompée—La Fin de l’AlgérieSocialiste. Quebec, 1993, reviewed in The Middle East Studies AssociationBulletin, Vol. 30, No. 1, July 1996, pp. 99-100.
Rachid Boudjedra. FIS de la Haine (Paris, 1992) and Rachid Mimouni. De laBarbarie en général et de I’Intégrisme en particuler (Paris, 1992), reviewed in Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 31, No. 4, December 1993, pp. 709-713 and in Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol. 16, No 2, Spring 1994, pp. 100-104.
Abdelkhaleq Berramdane. Le Sahara Occidental-Enjeu maghrébin (Paris, 1992), reviewed in Third World Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1993, pp. 187-189, and in French in El Watan (Algeria), 12-13 February 1993, p. 11. Also in Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 32, No. 1, March 1994, pp. 171-173.
Amrane Ahdjoudj. Algérie, État, Pouvoir et Société, 1962–1965 (Algiers, 1992), Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 4, Fall 1992, pp. 105-107.
Esmail Hosseinzadeh. Soviet Non-Capitalist Development: The Case of Nasser’sEgypt (Boulder, CO, 1989), reviewed in The Middle East Journal, Vol. 44, No. 3, Summer 1990, pp. 510-511.
Assassi Lassassi. Non-Alignment and Algerian Foreign Policy (London, 1988), reviewed in Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 27, No. 4, December 1989, pp. 713-14, and in The Journal of Third World Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, Fall 1989, pp. 298-300.
Olusola Ojo. Africa and Israel: Relations in Perspectives (Boulder, CO, 1989), reviewed in Arab Studies Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 4, Fall 1989, pp. 130-133.
(Selected list)
Reviewed manuscripts for: Routledge (2012); Journal of North African Studies; Mediterranean Politics; Security Dialogue; International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies; Journal of Contemporary European Studies; McGill-Queen’s University Press (2009); Journal of Intervention and State-Building (2009); Third World Quarterly, 2008; Comparative Political Studies,2005; Brookings Institution, 1997; Prentice Hall, 1998; Westview Press, 1998; The Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP), 2003; International Executive, 1995; International Studies Notes, 1995.
Editor-in-Chief, Global Business and Organizational Excellence-A Review of Research & Best Practices, May 2006-2009. Winner of 2007 APEX Award of Excellence.
Editor-in-Chief, Thunderbird InternationalBusiness Review[formerlyThe International Executive](refereedjournal), December 1996–February 2007.
*Co-Organized 5-day International Algiers Conference, “The Arab World in Turmoil: Revolts or Revolutions,” 27 September-2 October 2011.
* Faculty Representative (Elected), Euromed Management,December 2010-Present.
*Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of North African Studies, United Kingom/USA, since 2011.
*Member of Business School Advisory Board, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, June 2009-Present.
*Member of International Editorial Board, Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies (in Asia), China, since October 2013.
* Member of Editorial Board, Maghreb-Machrek (Paris), January 2010-present.
*Member of Editorial Board, L’Année du Maghreb, November 2012-present.
* Member of Board of Advisory Editors, The Maghreb Center Journal(Washington, DC), 2009-Present.
*Member of Advisory Council of the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation (http://www.globalct.org/experts_advisoryBoard.php), October 2009-present.
* Liaison Officer, EuroMeSCo (www.euromesco.net), October 2008-present.
* Member of American Institute for Maghrebi Studies Board of Directors (http://aimsnorthafrica.org), November 2006-2009.
* MemberofAmerican Institute for MaghrebiStudies,Maghrebi Grants Committee, November 2006-Present.
* Member of the International Editorial Board, Journal of North African Studies, 2006-Present.
* Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Emerging Markets (refereed), 2005-2015.
* Member of theEditorial Boardof theMiddle East Affairs Journal (refereed), May 1998–2005.
* Member of the Editorial Board of Communication Science & Technologie-Revue technologique, scientifique, et linguistique of the Ecole normale supérieure de l’enseignement technologique d’Oran (Algeria), 2008-Present.
* Member of theInternational Editorial Board ofL’Ouest duSahara (The Western Sahara), Paris, June 1997–Present.
* Member ofEditorial Board, Delhi Business Review, 1999–Present.
* Member of theEditorial Board of the North Africa Journal (Boston), January 1998–Present.
* Member of the International Scientific Council, Euromed, Marseille School of Management, Marseille, France, July 2004-December 2005.
* Member of Board of Advisors, Arab Center for American and European Studies (ACAES) in Amman, Jordan, 2002.
* Member of Scientific Committee, Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche d’Archamps, May 2002–August 2005.
* Member of Pedagogical Committee,European Institute of Purchasing Management, Archamps, France, December 2001–August 2005.
* Regional Coordinator, India Conference in International Management, May 1999–January 2000; September 2001–January 2002; September 2003-January 2004; January 2005.
* Member of theThunderbird Advisory Board ofthe Journal of Language for International Business (JOLIB), Fall 1996–2006.
* Member of theHonorary Advisory Committee of the Detroit College of Law’s Journal of International Law and Practice, 1990–Present.
* Treasurer, Association du Campus du Genevois Français, Archamps, France, 2004-2005.
* Track Chair, “Privatization and Liberalization in the Middle East and North Africa: Economic and Political Implications,” Academy of International Business—Southwest Chapter, Houston, TX, March 1999.
* Havesupervised doctoral dissertations (Oxford University; Salford University; Cambridge University; Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; University of Algiers, University of Paris (VIII), Algeria; University of Strasbourg, France; University of Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria, University of Batna, Algeria, and Arizona State University, USA).
*European Union/GIZ, Ethiopia and other sub-Saharan countries, September 2014-April 2015.
*German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin, September 2013.
*Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, UK, July 2013.
*African Union, Commission for Peace and Security, Addis Ababa, January 2013.
* US Government Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2011.
* UK Government Conference, UK Embassy, Cairo, Egypt, September 2009.
* US Government Conference, Washington, DC, November 2008.
* US Government Conference, Washington, DC, February 2007.
* US Government Conference, Washington, DC, February 2006.
* US Government Conference, Washington, DC, November 2002.
* US Government Conference, Washington, DC, September 2002.
* Briefing to members of British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (Near East & North Africa) on how to resolve Western Sahara conflict, British Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, September 2001.
* North Africa Conference (British Foreign & Commonwealth Office), London, September 2001.
* Ambassadorial Seminar on Algeria (U.S. Department of State), Washington, DC, September 2000.
* Algeria: Post-Election Reality Check (U.S. Department of State), May 1999.
* US-Algerian Relations (U.S. Department of State), May 1999.
* Politics and Society in Tunisia (U.S. Department of State), September 1997.
* Impact of Islamic (Shari’ a) Law on business management,Entrepreneur International (conducted as interview).
* How to Raise Funds for Exhibit on Ancient Egyptian Art, Phoenix Art Museum (Exhibit held Oct. 1998-Feb. 1999).
“The Protracted Conflict in Western Sahara: Foreign Powers as Impediment to Its Resolution,” Paper presented (in French) at the international conference, La question (irrésolue) du Sahara Occidental : quels enjeux pour quelles recherches en sciences humaines et sociales? University of the Sorbonne, Paris, June 2016.
“Current Development in Algeria,” Presentation to the Working Group on Algeria, Elcano Royal Institute, Madrid, Spain, January 2016.
“Les Crises libyenne et malienne: Quels rôles pour l’Algérie?” Paper presented at the Algerian National Ministry of Defence conference, “Mali – Libye: Initiatives de Paix et Sorties de Crises. Quelles Perspectives pour la Stabilité Régionale?” Algiers, Algeria, January 2016.
“Tunisia’s Security: The Democratic Transition’s Achilles Heel,” Paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado, November 2015.
“Middle Eastern and North African Perceptions of East Asia,” Presentation at the International Symposium on China-Japan-Korea Relations with the Middle East, Shanghai International Studies University, November 2015.
“The Genesis of the Islamic State in Libya: Regional and International Implications,” Paper presented at the Terrorism Experts Conference-NATO Center of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism, Ankara, Turkey, October 2015.
“The Role of Foreign Powers in the Conflict in Western Sahara,” Paper presented at the International Conference on the Decolonization of Western Sahara, Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Abuja, Nigeria, June 2015.
“The Protracted conflict in Western Sahara: Explaining the stalemate,” Paper presented at the Department of Middle East Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, PRC, March 2015.
“Security Relations in North Africa: The Impact of the Arab Revolts,” Paper presented at the Middles East Studies Association, Washington, DC, November 2014.
“The Tacit Alliance: China and Algeria in the New Era,” Paper presented as Keynote Speaker at the 4th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East:International Conference on Great Powers and the Middle East Political & Social Transformation, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, PRC, September 2014.
“Algeria’s Foreign Policy: From Radicalism to Pragmatism,” Paper presented at the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES 2014), Ankara, Turkey, August 2014.
“The United States and the Maghreb-Sahel: From Neglect to Security Priority,” Paper presented at the Doha Institute - Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) conference on Arab-U.S. relation, Doha, Qatar, June 2014.
“The Protracted Conflict in Western Sahara: Conflicting Foreign Interests as an Obstacle to a Definitive Solution,” paper presented at Third Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies, Turku, Finland, June 2014.
“Geopolitical Designs in Western Sahara: Denying Statehood to the Rightful People,” Paper presented at the Global Conflict and Conflict Management: Israel/Palestine and Beyond, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford, UK, May 2014.
“Algeria-Soviet/Russian Relations: Shared Interests and Pragmatism,” Paper presented at the 13th International Conference of Africanists “Society and Politics in Africa: Traditional, Transitional, and New,” Moscow, Russia, May 2014.
“The Eagle’s Nest in the Horn of Africa: US Military Deployment in Djibouti and the Dynamics of its Evolution,” Paper presented at the 13th International Conference of Africanists “Society and Politics in Africa: Traditional, Transitional, and New,” Moscow, Russia, May 2014.
“Conflict in Western Sahara: Any Solution,” Paper presenter commentator at The EU, Regional Conflicts and the Promotion of Regional Cooperation Conference, Cairo, Egypt, April 2014.
“China-Maghreb Relations,” Paper presented at the Workshop, “China-Africa in the New Era,” Shanghai International Studies University, 29 March 2014.
“The Changing Nature of North African Terrorism,” Paper presented at the Terrorism in North Africa from NATO Perspective conference, Center of Excellence/Defense against Terrorism (CEO-DAT), Ankara, 19-20 November 2013.
“Transnationalism and Transition: The Changing Dynamics of the North African Security Context,” Paper presented at the Terrorism in North Africa from NATO Perspective conference, Center of Excellence/Defense against Terrorism (CEO-DAT), Ankara, 19-20 November 2013.
“The impact of the Arab Spring on the political situation in Algeria,” Regional Seminar organized by Tunis Political Science University & the Council of Europe, Hammamet, Tunisia, 11-12 November 2013.
“The Crisis in Northern Mali: Overlapping Agendas,” paper presented to the international conference, “Africa: Dynamics of Conflict; Promises of Renaissance, organized by Al Jazeera Center for Studies, Doha, Qatar, 2-3 November 2013.
“Labor and Collective Action,” Chair, MESA 2013 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, October 2013.
“The Arab Spring and Its Aftermath,” Panelist: Roundtable: Special Session, MESA2013 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, October 2013.
Chair: Panel, “Labor and Collective Action,” MESA 2013 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, October 2013.
“Trouble in the Sahel: How to Deal with the Dangerous Nexus?” Paper presented at the 43rd International Peace Institute Vienna Seminar in Cooperation with The Austrian Federal Ministry of Defense and Sports and The Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs: A Dangerous Nexus: Crime, Conflict And Terrorism In Failing States, Vienna, Austria, 13-15 May 2013
“Knowledge Management for Mediation of the African Union Commission,” Panel of the Wise, Department of Peace and Security, African Union, Addis Ababa, April 2013.
“L’Algérie et le Maghreb au miroir du tumulte arabe,” Paper presented at the conference, “Le monde arabe entre reconstruction et ébullition ?” organized by the Fondation de la Recherche Stratégique, Paris, March 2013.
“Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa,” Discussant, MENA Economic Forum, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, March 2013.
“Algeria and the Crisis in the Sahel & Mali,” paper presented in the panel, “Regional and International Perspectives on the Malian Crisis,” Conference of the African Union Department, Peace and Security, Addis Ababa, January 2013.
“Algeria, the Revolution that Didn’t Happen: An Explanation,” paper presented at the workshop, “Reflections on the Revolutions: Actors and Institutions –Changes and Continuities, organized by the CASAW Network ‘People Power and State Power’ and the University of St Andrews, Tunis, Tunisia, December 2012.
“The Maghreb and the Arab Spring: The Algeria Case,” paper presented at the North Africa conference organized by the University of Vera Cruz, Xalapa, Mexico, November 2012.
“The Maghreb and the Arab Spring,” paper presented at the conference on North Africa organized by the ElColegio de Mexico, University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, November 2012.
“An Overview of the 21st Century Conflict Trends, Dynamics, and Challenges, paper presented at the African Union 2012 High Level Retreat of Special Envoys and Mediators, Cairo, Egypt, November 2012.
“North Africa: Domestic Security and Stability in a Changing Environment,” paper presented at the Center for Strategic and International Studies conference,
The Maghreb in Transition, Washington, DC, USA, October 2012.
“Algeria: The Odd One Out,” paper presented at the international conference, MENA: A Transforming Region and its Impact on the African Continent, Pretoria, South Africa, 27 – 29 August 2012.
“Northern African Revolutions: Challenges and Prospects,” paper presented at the African Union’s Workshop Series (II) On Strengthening Political Governance for Peace, Security and Stability in Africa, Tunis, Tunisia, April 2012.
“Intra-Maghreb Dynamics,” Paper presented at the Istituto Affairi Internazionale (IAI) seminar, Regional and External Dynamics in North Africa in Light of the Arab Spring, Rome, Italy, April 2012.
“The Arab World in Turmoil: Why Can’t Algeria Be the Exception,” Paper presented at the British Society for Middle East Studies [BRISMES] Annual Conference, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK, March 2012.
“The United States and Algeria: A Strategic Partnership?” paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association 45th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, December 2011.
“The Arab Turmoil: An Exploratory Interpretation,” paper presented at the ThirdBeijing Forum, Beijing, China, November 2011.
“The Libyan Uprising: Revolt or Revolution,” paper presented at the Algiers International Conference, The Arab World in Turmoil: Revolts or Revolutions? Algiers, Algeria, September 2011.
“Future Developments in North Africa and in the Middle East: Algeria & Morocco,” paper presented at the Centro Studi Americani, Rome, Italy, September 2011.
“The Arab Spring: Reforms or Revolutions,” paper presented at the Italian PoliticalScience Association, Palermo, Italy, September 2011.
“The New Arab Dawn: What Is Next for Algeria?” paper presented at the AlgeriaSolidarity Campaign conference, London, April 2011.
“The Failure of the New Authoritarianism: Will the Arab Word Achieve Its 1989?” paper presented at the international conference organized by the Center forMediterranean and International Studies, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and EuroMeSCo, “Changement politique en Tunisie et impacts sur la région de la Méditerranée , Tunis, Tunisia, 24-25 Mars 2011.
“Algeria’s Policy towards Sub Saharan Africa,” paper presented at the AFRICOM conference: A Strategic Look at Relations between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, Dakar, Senegal, 18-23 March 2011.
“An Arab Spring: Revolution and Revolt in North Africa?” paper presented at the Geneva Center for Security Policy, March 2011.
“Quels partenariats internationaux face à des menaces transversales ? L’Expérience américaine,” International Conference, For a Security and Development Partnership in the Sahel, European Commission, Bruxelles, Novembre 2010.
“The Emerging Geopolitics in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Implications for Euro-Mediterranean relations,” EuroMeSCo-IEMed Conference, EUROMED Plus 15: New Paths of Cooperation across the Mediterranean, Pedralbes Palace, Barcelona, Spain, November 2010.
“The Maghreb’s Resistance to Democratization: What Roles for the United States and the European Union?” paper presented in the Panel: External Factors and Democratic Transition at the Third World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Barcelona, Spain, 19-24 July 2010.
“How Stable Is the Maghreb Today: Prerequisites for Long-Term Stability and Sources for Potential Instability,” paper presented at the International Conference, Challenges and Opportunities in the Maghreb Today: A Transatlantic Dialogue, organized by the Center of Naval Analysis (USA) andthe Royal Institute Elcano, Madrid, Spain, May 2010.
“Reshaping International Relations : Algeria’s Foreign Policy under Boumedienne,” paper presented at the 43rdMiddle East Studies Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, November 2009.
“The New Political, Economic, and International Dynamics in the Maghreb,” organizer of and discussant at this panel, Middle East Studies Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, November 2009.
“The United States and Maghreb-Sahel Security,” paper presented at the Chatham House and British Embassy international conference, Cairo, Egypt, September 2009.
“Why Egypt Matters in the Wider Region,” panel presentation at the Chatham House and British Embassy international conference, Cairo, Egypt, September 2009.
“US-Libya: Explaining the Rehabilitation of the Libyan Regime,” paper presented at the OxfordLibya conference,Oxford University, September 2009.
“Priorities and Challenges for North Africa in Implementing the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy,” presentation at the Workshop on Implementing the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy in North Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 2009.
“La politique américaine au Maghreb et la question du Sahara Occidental, lecture at the Echaab Center for Strategic Studies, Algiers, Algeria, May 2009.
“Du Management intercultural et son impact sur la conduite des affaires bancaires Intercultural Management & its Impact on the Banking Sector], Presentation at the fifth Forum of International Finance, Algiers, Algeria, May 2009.
“Une analyse de la situation politique en Algérie à la veille de l’élection présidentielle,” [Analysis of the political situation in Algeria on the eve of the presidential election] presentation at Roundtable on Algeria, Institut de Recherches Monde Arabe Musulman (IREMAM), Aix en Provence, February 2009.
“Cross-Cultural Communication for the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibits) Industry,” presentation at the World Expo-Exhibition & Convention Education and Research International Conference, Shanghai, China, December 2008.
“The United States Strategic Interests in the Maghreb,” paper presented at the 42nd Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 2008.
“Western Sahara: Opportunities for Progress,” paper presented at the 2-day US Government Conference on Algeria and Morocco, Washington, DC, November 2008.
“Algeria: The Hard Path to Democracy,” book chapter to be presented at the Politics and Society of the Contemporary Middle East, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI, and the Watson Institute/Brown University, Providence, RI, October 2008.
“What Difference Do EU/US Policies Make to Sustainable Investment in North Africa? Presentation at the Chatham House Middle East Program & Middle East Association Workshop, Changing Approaches? Policy Implications for EU/US Engagement in Investment, Development, and Economic Reform, London, October 2008.
“Diversité et Union pour la Méditerranée: Comment faire de ce socle culturel commun une opportunité de développement pour tous,” Panelist at the Diversité 08-Forum Europe-Euro-Méditerranée, organized by the Association Tolède, Paris, September 2008.
“US Policy in the Maghreb,” paper presented at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group, Rome, Italy, July 2008.
“Evolution in the Maghreb: EU-US, between Competition and Cooperation,” paper presented at the Seminar on Transatlantic Perspectives on the Mediterranean, Istituto Affair Internazionali (and GermanMarshall Fund of the United States), Rome, Italy, June 2008.
“The Geopolitics of the Western Sahara Conflict: Realpolitik as Impediment to the Resolution of Conflict,” paper presented as part of the panel, “Occupation, Geopolitics, and International Law: The Case of the Frozen Conflict in Western Sahara,” (which I organized) at the 49thInternational Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA March 2008.
“Le point de vue algérien sur les causes des errements des relations franco-algériennes durant ces quarante dernières années,” paper presented at the EUROMED-Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale Conference, “L’Algérie, étonnamment et terriblement proche de la France,” Paris Military School Paris, February 2008.
“The United States and the Balancing of Interests in Post-9/11: Islamism, Democracy, and Security in the Maghreb,” paper presented at the British International Studies Association, Cambridge, England, 17-19 December 2007.
“Le Sahara Occidental et le Rôle des Puissances étrangères,” presentation at the conference, Sahara Occidental, Mutations géopolitiques, Droits de l’Homme et Autodétermination, organized by the Université de Nanterre, Paris X, Paris, November 2007.
“The Algerian Crisis in European and US Foreign Policies: ‘Venus and Mars’ or ‘the Gods’ Helplessness,” with Hakim Darbouche, paper presented at the 41stMiddle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, November 2007.
“North Africa in Transition: Sources of Change and Implications for North and South,” paper presented at the German Marshall Fund of the United States Seminar, New Transatlantic Approaches to North Africa and the Mediterranean, Washington, D.C., November 2007.
“Culture and Global Management,” presentation at the conference organized at the China Euro-Mediterranean Center for Diversity, Shanghai, October 2007.
“The EUROMED Context,” presentation at The New Frontiers of Executive Education, 2007 EFMD Executive Education Meeting, Marseille, October 2007.
“Perspectives on Resolution of the Western Sahara Conflict: Geopolitics v. International Law,” paper presented at the International Association of Jurists for Western Sahara (IAJWS), Madrid, September 2007.
“Radical Islamism in Algeria: Origins, Evolution, and Current Status,” paper presented at the Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Herzliya, Israel, September 2007.
“Meet the Editors Panel,” panelist representing GBOE, International Management and Development Association conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, July 2007.
“Algeria in the International Context,” paper presented at the CIDOB International Yearbook (devoted to Algeria) Presentation, Chamber of Commerce, Barcelona, July 2007.
“Bonne Gouvernance et Démocratie,” [Good Governance & Democracy] paper presented at the Confédération des Cadres de la Finance et de la Comptabilité conference, Algiers, Algeria, June 2007.
“Political Parties and Freedom of Association in the Southern Mediterranean: The Resilience of Authoritarian Regimes,” paper presented at the Mediterranean Conference on Human Rights organized by the Pablo Iglesias Foundation/Jean-Jaures Foundation/Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Madrid, March 2007.
“The United States and Libya: Rehabilitating Authoritarianism and Relegating Democracy,” presented at the 48thInternational Studies Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, February-March 2007.
“The United States and the Maghreb: Democracy, Terrorism, and Development,” paper presented at the Wilton Park and Euroforum Conference, The Maghreb and Its Future: Cooperation, Integration, and Human Development, held in El Escorial, Spain, March 2007.
“The European Union and the United States Interests in the Maghreb,” paper presented at the Maghreb Center Inaugural Symposium, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, February 2007.
“The Resilience of Authoritarianism and the Challenges for the Transition to Democracy in the Maghreb,” paper presented as contribution to “The World in 2030: Regional Development and Global Issues” project, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, Rome, Italy, February 2007.
“Governance and Security in the Mediterranean,” paper presented at the conference organized by the Fundació CIDOB & Ministerio de Defensa (Spanish Ministry of Defense), Barcelona, Spain, December 2006.
“Algerian-Moroccan Relations and their Impact on Regional Security,” briefing paper presented at the seminar organized by the EuroMeSCo network and the Fundació CIDOB, Barcelona, Spain, December 2006.
“US Policy in North Africa,” lecture/paper series given at the University of Las Palmas, Gran Canary, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, November 2006.
“The Geopolitics of the Euro-Mediterranean: The Socioeconomic Imbalances and their Incidence of North-South Relations,” presentation at the AGORA of Human Resources Conference, Marseille, France, November 2006.
“Maghrebi Foreign Policies toward the United States,” paper presented at the 40thMiddle East Studies Association Annual Conference [panel organizer], Boston, Massachusetts, November 2006.
“The Geopolitics of the Western Sahara: US, France, Algeria, Spain, and Morocco,” paper presented at the international, 2-day conference organized by the Institute of Social Studies (The Hague) and the IPJET-International Platform of Jurists for East Timor, The Hague, Netherlands, October 2006.
“La rue prime t’elle la démocratie?” panelist discussant, 6thForum of Entrepreneurs, Euromed Marseille, Marseille, September 2006.
“Meet the Editors,” participation at Academy of International Business, Beijing, China, June 2006. Promotion of Global Business and Organizational Excellence journal.
“Impact du Conflit du Sahara Occidental sur la Géopolitique maghrébine,” Presentation at the Algerian Cultural Center, Paris, France, May 2006.
“Du coût du Non Maghreb au Tigre Nord-Africain,” discussant, high-level conference organized by the Institu Europeu de la Meditarrània (IEMed.) and the Centro International de Toledo Para La Paz, Madrid, Spain, May 2006.
“Parachèvement du processus de décolonisation et construction supranationale: Contraintes géopolitiques de l’intégration maghrébine,” with Louisa Aït Hamadouche, paper presented at the Zentrum Moderner Orient (Center for Contemporary Oriental Studies), Berlin, Germany, April 2006.
“Levers of Influence: Understanding the New North-South Divide in the Middle East & North Africa II,” [panel organizer], Chair, 47thInternational Studies Association Conference, San Diego, California, March 2006.
“The United States and the Maghreb: Security and Democratization—Strategic Perspectives,” paper presented at the 47thInternational Studies Association Conference, San Diego, CA, March 2006.
“Libya: The Security Dimension,” paper presented at the Wilton Park Conference 810 Libya: Fulfilling Potential at Home and Abroad, Wilton Park, West Sussex, UK, February 16-19, 2006.
“International Implications of the Western Sahara Conflict,” paper presented at the US Government conference on Western Sahara, Washington DC, February 2006.
“La Gestion des Crises Dues aux Catastrophes Naturelles: Les Leçons de Katrina,” paper presented at the Journées d’Etudes Parlementaires of the Algerian Senate’s National Defense Commission, Algiers, February 2006.
“Les Enjeux Géopolitiques dans la Zone Euro-Méditerranéenne 10 ans après la Déclaration de Barcelone,” Presentation at the International Symposium, Agora of Human Resources: Economy, Society, and Know-How in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, Genoa, Italy, 2-3 December 2005.
“The United States and Libya: From Conflict to Cooperation,” paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association 39th Annual Convention, Washington, DC, November 2005.
“Spreading Democracy: the Role of Civil Society and Outside Powers,” paper presented at the “America and the World Conference 2005,” Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Chicago, IL, September 2005.
“Meet the Editors’ Panel,” Academy of International Business, Quebec City, Canada, July 2005.
“Western Sahara: How to Solve a Protracted Conflict,” paper/discussion at Seminar on Frozen Conflicts, Geneva Center for Security Policy, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2005.
“Regional Security in North Africa: The Algerian Perspective,” paper/discussion for presentation at the New Issues in Security Course of the “Global Peace and Security: Challenges and Responses” program of the Geneva Center for Security Policy, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2005.
“Elements for a Dialogue between Civilizations,” discussant and analyst at the high-level international seminar on the Alliance of Civilizations initiated by the Spanish Prime Minister and taken up by the UN Secretary-General, organized by the Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE), Madrid, June 2005.
“Solutions pour le Sahara: Le Sahara Occidental dans la Dynamique Géopolitique du Maghreb,” paper presentation at the European Institute of the Mediterranean [Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània, IEMed.], Madrid, Spain, June 2005.
“Euro-Med Seminar on Security and Defense Issues,” discussant, European Union’s Institute of Security Studies, Paris, May 2005.
“Exigences de la Défense Civile lors de Catastrophes Naturelles,” paper presented at 3-day InternationalConference-LesIIIèmes Journées Parlementaires sur la Défense Nationale, National Defense Commission, Algerian Parliament, Algiers, Algeria, April 2005.
“Anti-Americanism in North Africa: Could State Relations Overcome Popular Resentment?” paper presented at the 46thInternational Studies Association Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 2005.
“Understanding Trends in the Arab World, Discussant, Workshop on ‘Barcelona + 10’ and the European Neighborhood Policy,” Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE) Conference, Madrid, Spain, January 2005.
“Libyan Policy vis-à-vis Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction,” paper presented at the international conference of the Atlantic Council of the United States (hosted by the Istituto Affari Internazionali, IAI), Rome, Italy, December 2004.
“Working towards a Common Agenda for the Mediterranean Partner Countries: Algeria,” paper presented at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) international conference, NATO, the Mediterranean and the Middle East: The Successor Generation, London, November 2004.
“France, the United States, and the Maghreb in the Era of Globalization,” paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association 38th Annual Convention, San Francisco, November 2004. Co-Organized & Chaired panel, “International Relations of the Maghreb in the Era of Globalization,” paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association 38th Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, November2004.
“The Western Sahara Conflict: Regional and International Implications: What Role for the European Union?” paper presented at the international conference of the European Union’s Institute of International Security Studies, Paris, France, October 2004.
“The US, the EU, and the Middle East Peace Initiative,” discussant at the NATO Conference, Transatlantic Perspectives on the Broader Middle East and North Africa, IstitutoAffari Internazionali (IAI), Rome, Italy, October 2004.
“Meet the Editors Panel,” panelist, IrishAcademy of Management, Trinity College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, September 2004.
“Meet the Editors Panel,” panelist, Academy of International Business, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004.
“North Africa and the Greater Middle East Debate,” discussant, 2nd Spain-United States Bilateral Dialogue, Conference of the Real Instituto Elcano-Center for Strategic & International Studies, Madrid, Spain, June 2004.
“Will US Hegemonic Power Succeed in Resolving the Protracted Conflict in the Western Sahara?” paper presented at 45thInternational Studies Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 2004.
“Security Governance in the Mediterranean,” project partner, consultant, and discussant, Geneva Center for Security Policy, Program First Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2003.
“Qu`est-ce que la Défense Nationale?” (What’s National Defense?), discussant at 3-day InternationalConference-LesIIèmes Journées Parlementaires sur la Défense Nationale, National Defense Commission, Popular National Assembly (Parliament), Algiers, Algeria, October 2003.
“Meet the Editors Panel,” discussant at Global Business & TechnologyAssociation Conference, Budapest, Hungary, July 2003.
“Transatlantic Institutions or Coalitions? Building Transatlantic Consensus for Reform and Reconstruction in the Mediterranean & the Middle East,” discussant at International Conference on “Tasks for TransatlanticCooperation in the Middle East,” sponsored by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the NATO Division of Public Diplomacy, IstitutoAffari Internazionali (IAI), Rome, Italy, July 2003.
“Problèmes de Sécurité en Méditerranée: Le Maghreb et les Questions de Défense,” discussant, International Conference on National Security andStrategy, Institute of Strategic and Defense Studies, Algiers, Algeria, July 2003.
“Best Practices: Les Relations Fournisseurs-Clients,” moderator, C4i Conference, Les Enjeux d’une bonne relation: Fondeurs-Clients, Archamps, France, June 2003.
“Les Relations-maghrébo-américaines,” [Maghrebi-American Relations] paper presented at the 2-day International Conference, “Algérie, Maghreb, Méditerranée,” Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, April 2003.
“Security Issues in the Middle East and North Africa,” paper presented at the 7th European Security Policy Training Course (ETC) at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2003.
“The United States War on Terrorism: The Response of the North African Arab States,” paper presented at the 44thInternational Studies Association Conference, Portland, Oregon, March 2003.
“Algeria in American Foreign Policy: ‘Pivotal State’ or Sporadic Ally,” presented at the Middle East Studies Association 36th Annual Convention, Washington, DC, November 2002.
“SalafiJihadist Groups in Algeria,” paper presented at US Government conference, Washington, DC, November 2002.
“Europe and the Maghreb: Is the Stability of the Maghreb in Europe’s Interest?” paper presented at the RUSI and the Libyan Academy of Graduate Studies, Tripoli, Libya, October 2002.
“Ideological Referents of Radical Islamist Movements,” co-chair at the International Conference on Terrorism, Algiers, Algeria, October 2002.
“New Geopolitical Constellations in North Africa and the Region’s Relationship with the United States,” paper presented at the Special research Program Conference of the German Institute for Middle East Studies, Deutsches Orient Institut, Hamburg, Germany, October 2002.
“Foreign Powers Relations with Algeria,” paper presented at the US Government Sponsored Conference on Algeria, Center for MiddleEastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,September 2002.
“Qadhafi’s Libya: Continuity or Change?” paper presented at the USGovernment conference, Washington, DC, September 2002.
“North African Regional Security in the Era of Globalization,” paper presented at the International Conference, Globalization and Security: Security for all or Shared Insecurity? Algiers, Algeria, May 2002.
“Algeria in American Foreign Policy: Conflicting US Interests in Containing Radical Islamism, Promoting Democracy, and Assuring Regional Stability,” paper presented at the 43rdInternational Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, March 2002.
“Western Sahara Conflict and Its Regional Impact,” paper presented at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, September 2001.
“US-Libyan Relations: In Search of Reconciliation?” paper presented at the Libya International Conference, Deutsches Orient-Institut, Hamburg, April 2001.
“Libya in US Foreign Policy: From Rogue State to Good Fellow?” paper presented at the 42ndInternational Studies Association Conference, Chicago, February 2001.
“Algeria’s Foreign Relations,” paper presented at the Algeria Conference, Salford University (Manchester, UK), November 2000.
“Power Politics and Regionalism in the North Africa,” paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association 34th Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, November 2000.
“Conflict and Cooperation in North Africa: Algerian-Moroccan Bilateral Relations,” paper presented at the 41stInternational Studies Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA, March 2000.” [Organized the panel].
“The Self and the Other: Themes in the Social Sciences as Applied to North African Societies,” all-day workshop organized by the University of Tours’ Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur l’Urbanisation du Monde Arabe (URBAMA-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Paris, February 2000.
“Algerian-Moroccan Bilateral Relations and their Impact on Maghreb Integration,” paper presented at the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute Conference on Security & Immigration in the West Mediterranean: France, Europe, and the Maghreb, Copenhagen, January 2000.
“The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion in the Middle East and North Africa: The Case of Algeria,” paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association 33rd Annual Convention, Washington, DC, November 1999.
“Democratization and Electoral Politics in Algeria,” paper presented at the European Association of Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES) Triennial Conference, Ghent, Belgium, September 1999.
“The Algerian Election: What Happened?” paper presented at US Department of State Algeria Conference, Washington, DC, 14 May 1999.
“US-Algerian Relations: Political Challenges Ahead,” paper presented at US Department of State Algeria Conference, Washington, DC, 14 May 1999.
“Meet the Editors Panel,” Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 7-10, 1999.
“International Studies & Political Economy Issues,” panelist. Special Panel: State of International Business—Past, Present & Future, Academy of International Business—Southwest Chapter, Houston, TX, March 1999.
“Foreign Direct Investments in Africa: Policy Reforms, Structural Adjustment Programs and FDI Flows,” panelist, Special Panel, Academy of International Business—Southwest Chapter, Houston, TX, March 1999.
“Privatization and Liberalization in the Middle East and North Africa: Economic and Political Implications,” paper presented at Academy of International Business—Southwest Chapter, Houston, Texas, March 1999.
“New Security Concepts in North Africa,” paper presented at the International Studies Association 40th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 16-20 February 1999.
“Political Change and the Failure of the First Democratic Transition in Algeria (Do Elections Matter?),” paper presented at the Middle East Studies Association 32nd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 1998.
“Democratic Transitions in the Middle East and Latin America: A Cross-Regional Comparative Perspective,” paper (co-authored with Roy Nelson) presented at the International Studies Association 39th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 1998.
“Liberalization and Privatization in the Middle East and North Africa; Problems and Future Prospects,” paper presented at the Academy of International Business—US Southwest Chapter Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 1998.
“Foreign Direct Investments in Africa,” commentator in panel on Business in Africa, Academy of International Business—US Southwest Chapter Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 1998.
“The State of International Business: Past, Present, and Future,” panelist at Special Session, Academy of International Business—US Southwest Chapter Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 1998.
“Transitions from Authoritarianism to Democracy: The Latin American Experience and Its Relevance to the Middle East and North Africa: Brazil and Algeria in Comparative Perspective,” paper (co-authored with Roy Nelson) presented at the 31st Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 1997.
“The United States Policy towards the Mediterranean,” paper presented at IEEI-RAND-IAI-Sponsored International Lisbon Conference: The Euro-American Relations and the Mediterranean, Lisbon, Portugal, November 1997.
“Meet the Editors’ Panel,” chair, Academy of International Business Conference, Monterrey, Mexico, October 1997.
“Prospects for Political Reform in Tunisia: Islamic Political Opposition; Civil Society and Political Pluralism,” paper presented at the Seminar on Tunisia for [US] Ambassador-Designate Robin Raphael, Meridian International Center, Washington, DC, September 1997.
“Prognosis for the Future of the Middle East,” paper presented at the English-Speaking Union Symposium: Lawrence of Arabia and the Middle East: Then and Now, Safari Resort, Scottsdale, AZ, May 1997.
“The United States, the Algerian Crisis, and the Question of Radical Islamism,” paper presented at the International Studies Association 38th Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada, March 1997. [Organized the panel].
“The Algerian Political Crisis and the Restructuring of Civilian Military Relations,” paper presented at the 30thMiddle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Providence, RI, November 1996.
“Islamist Political Parties in Algeria,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association’s 92nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, September 1996.
“Algerian Islamists’ Conception of Democracy,” paper presented at the 29thMiddle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, December 1995.
“Les Relations entre L’Union Européenne et le Maghreb dans un Contexte Politique en Mutation: Le Cas algérien,” paper presented at the Conference organized by the Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais (Institute for International Strategic Studies), Sintra, Portugal, October 1995.
“The Failure of Authoritarian Developmentalist Regimes and the Emergence of Radical Protest Movements in the Middle East and Africa: The Case of Algeria,” paper presented at the 13thAssociation of Third World Studies Annual Meeting, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, October 1995.
“A New Political Context in the Maghreb: The Algerian Perspective,” paper presented at the Conference organized by the Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais (Institute for International Strategic Studies) on “The Relations Between the European Union and the Maghreb in a Changing Political Context,” Lisbon, Portugal, July 1995.
“Algeria and the Stability of the Maghreb,” paper presented at the 440th (4-day) Wilton Park Conference on “Mediterranean Security: Building Structures for Peace and Conflict Resolution,” Sussex, England, May 1995.
“Civil Society, Democratic Education and the Problems of the Transition to a Pluralist Political System: The Case of Algeria,” paper presented at the 28thMiddle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, November 1994.
“La Situation en Algérie: Implications pour l’évolution des perceptions en Europe,” paper presented at the Workshop on European Perceptions and Security Policy in the Maghreb, the Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais (Institute for International Strategic Studies), Lisbon, Portugal, September 1994.
“The Internal Dynamics of Political and Social Change in Algeria,” paper presenter and discussant at 420thWilton Park (4-day) Conference, “The Maghreb and Europe: Prospects for Peaceful Cooperation in the Western Mediterranean,” Sussex, England, September 1994.
“European Union and the Mediterranean,” panelist/discussant at 2-day workshop (17-18 June), organized by TheGraduate School of European & International Studies, University of Reading, England, sponsored by European Commission and NATO, June 1994.
“The Development of a European Security Identity and Consequences for Euro-Maghreb Relations,” panelist/respondent at 2-day seminar, “Reinforcing the Dialogue Between Europe and the Maghreb on Foreign and Security Policy Issues,” organized by the Western European Union, Institute for Security Studies, Paris, France, June 1994.
“The Western Sahara Conflict in the Post-Cold War Era: Prospects for Peace,” participant at the Conférence Internationale de Soutien au Plan de Paix des Nations Unies pour le Sahara Occidental, invited by the Intergroupes Parlementaires Européens and the Fédération de L’Etat d’Espagne d’Institutions Solidaires avec le Peuple Sahraoui, Madrid, Spain, April 1994.
“Nationalismes et Islamismes,” discussant, seminar: Institut Maghreb-Europe, Université Paris VIII, Paris, France, March 1994.
“Dictatorship, Theocracy, and Democracy: The Dilemmas in the Transition from Authoritarian Rule in Algeria,” paper presented at the 27thMiddle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Research Triangle Park, NC, November 1993.
“From Authoritarianism to Democracy: The Democratic Transition in Algeria,” paper presented at the 26th Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR, October 1992.
“The Impact of the Gulf War on the Maghreb Countries: A Social-Psychological Approach,” paper presented at the 25th Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 1991.
“Reactions in the Maghreb to the Gulf Crisis and War,” paper presented at the Conference on the Maghreb, organized by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto de Filologia, Madrid, Spain, July 1991.
“The United States, the Soviet Union and Decolonization of the Maghreb, 1945‑1962,” paper presented at the 24thMiddle East Studies Association Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 1990.
“The Superpowers and the Middle East,” discussant, panel, MESA, San Antonio, TX, November 1990.
“The Superpowers and the Grand Maghreb, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania and Western Sahara: Prospects for the 1990’s,” paper presented at the North African and Islamic Studies Conference, London, University of London, September 1990.
“The USSR and the Grand Maghreb: Pragmatism or Opportunism?” paper presented at the 23rdMiddle East Studies Association Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 1989.
“The Decomposition of State Socialism in Algeria,” paper presented at the 23rdMiddle East Studies Association Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 1989.
“Privatization and Liberalization in Algeria,” paper presented at the Association of Arab-American University Graduates Conference, Washington, DC, November 1989.
“Conflict in Northwest Africa: Regional and International Implications,” paper presented at the Third World Studies Association Conference, Gainesville, Florida, September 1989.
“The USSR and the Maghreb since Gorbachev,” paper presented at the Algerian-American National Association Conference, the New School of Social Research, New York City, June 1989.
“The Impact of the European Community 1992 on the Maghreb,” paper presented at the European Studies Association Conference, George Mason University, VA, May 1989.
“La Politique Soviétique dans le Grand Maghreb,” paper presented at the Conference on the Maghreb, organized by the Institut Français des Relations Internationales, Paris, December 1988.
“Legitimacy and Politics in the Contemporary Middle East,” chair/discussant at the 22nd Middle East Studies Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA, November 1988.
“Superpowers’ Involvement in the Western Sahara Conflict: Prospects for Conflict Resolution,” paper presented at the African Studies Association Conference, Chicago, IL, October 1988.
“Soviet Policy in North Africa,” paper presented at the conference on the Superpowers in North Africa, The American University, March 1988. [Organized the conference].
“Soviet Policy toward Northwest Africa and the Conflict in the Western Sahara,” paper presented at the International Studies Association Conference, St. Louis, MO, April 1988.
“The Soviet Union and the Western Sahara Conflict,” paper presented at the African Studies Association Conference, Denver, CO, November 1987.
African Peace and Security in the Twenty-First Century
US Foreign Policy
Analyse des Relations Economiques et Commerciales entre la Zone Euro-méditerranéenne et le Reste du Monde (MBA course at ESAA)
Business, Ethics and Society
Business, Culture & Politics in Emerging Markets: Hungary & Turkey, Director, Winterim program (January 2002)
Business Communication
Comparative Communist Systems
Cross-Cultural/Comparative Management
Comparative Politics: USSR and Commonwealth of Independent States; Eastern Europe; North Africa; Western Europe
Contemporary International Politics, with focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel
Cross-Cultural Communication for International Managers
Cross-Cultural Negotiations (Executive Master’s in International Management)
Culture and Language Tools: France & Latin Europe
Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century
Doing Business in Europe
East-West Relations
European Management
Evolution of West European Communism
Geopolitics and World Business
Global Issues
International Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
International Organizations
International Political Economy
International Political and Business Organizations (Winter programs in Geneva, Zurich, Neuchâtel, & Vevey, all in Switzerland) [1994; 1995; 1999]
Introduction to International Politics
Introduction to Management
Modern Political Ideologies
Multinational Corporations in the World Economy
Negotiation, Bargaining, and Diplomacy
Politics of the European Union
Regional Business Environment: Middle East and North Africa
Soviet/Russian Foreign Policy
Theories of International Relations
US Foreign Economic Policy, Co-Director of Winterim Program in Washington, DC, (January 1997)
Western Civilization I, Antiquity to the Renaissance
Western Civilization II, Renaissance to 1945
Western Political Thought
World Politics in the Twentieth-First Century
*Negotiation Skills, 3-day intensive course for Antai-EuromedMBA program, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, January 2015.
*Geopolitics and Geo-strategy, Antai-Kedge MBA program, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, June 2014.
* Negotiations, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Shanghai, PRC, March-May 2014.
Global Negotiating & Communication, University of Tennessee, Shanghai, China, September 2013.
* International Affairs, Executive MBA, Ecole Supérieure algérienne des affaires, Algiers, Algeria, March 2013.
* Geopolitics and Economics, two-day seminar for Executive MBA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University participants, Marseille, March 2013.
*Arab Revolutions and the Crisis in Mali, one-day seminar for Executive MBA, Twente School of Management (The Netherlands), Marseille, February 2013.
* Negotiation Skills, 3-day intensive course for Antai-EuromedMBA program, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, November 2012.
*Business, Culture and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa, workshop for mid-level executives, GEMALTO (France), Dubai, October 2012.
*Geopolitics and Geo-strategy, Antai-EuromedMBA program, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, July 2012.
*Cross-Cultural Communication: Comparing Chinese and French Cultures, workshop for senior executives of France’s SAFRAN (Aeronautics) and China’s AVIC, Myun (near Beijing), China, May 2012.
*International Affairs, 3-day intensive course for Ecole supérieure algerienne des Affaires EMBA students, Algiers, Algeria, March 2012.
* Negotiation Skills, 4-day intensive course for Antai-EuromedMBA program, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, December 2011.
* International Management, 3-day course for DBA candidates from Renmin University (China), Marseille, July 2011.
* Principles of International Negotiating, MBA course for Portland State University students, Euromed Management, Marseille, June 2011.
* International Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, two 4-day intensive courses for international Antai-EuromedMBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, June 2011.
* Business Culture in France, one-day seminar for Executive MBA, Twente School of Management (The Netherlands), Marseille, January 2011.
* International Business Negotiations for Senior Managers, 4-day seminar for EUROCOPTER (EADS Group), Marseille, September, November 2010.
* Intercultural Business Communication & Doing Business in the United States and the United Kingdom, two 2-day seminars for Executive MBA, ShanghaiJiao Tong University, Shanghai, September 2010.
* International Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, two 4-day intensive courses for international Antai-EuromedMBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, April 2010.
* Intercultural Business Communication, two 2-day seminars for Executive MBA, Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, April 2010.
* Business Culture in France, one-day seminar for Executive MBA, Twente School of Management (The Netherlands), Marseille, January 2010.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills for International Managers, 4-day intensive course for Executive MBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, December 2009.
* International Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, two 4-day intensive courses for Chinese Antai-EuromedMBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, July 2009.
* Cross-Cultural Management, half-day seminar for DBA candidates from Renmin University (China), Marseille, July 2009.
* Geopolitics, half-day seminar for DBA candidates from Renmin University, Marseille, July 2009.
* International Negotiations, 2-day intensive seminar for Kempinski Hotels, European Executive MBA of Reims Management School, Ajman, UAE, June 2009.
* Intercultural Communication Skills, International Students, Summer School, Euromed Management, June-July 2009.
* Principles of International Negotiating, MBA course for Portland State University students, Euromed Management, Marseille, June-July 2009.
*Geopolitics of the Euro-Mediterranean Region, MBA course for Portland State University students, Euromed Management, Marseille, June-July 2009.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiations, two-week program for International Master Program students, FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH [School of Management], Graz, Austria, May-June 2009.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiations, two-week program for International Master Program students, University of Leipzig, April-May 2009.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiations, two-week program for International Master Program students (international students), Reims Management School (France), April 2009.
* Cross-Cultural Communication Skills for International Managers, 4-day intensive course for Chinese Executive MBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Marseille, December 2008.
Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills for International Managers, 4-day intensive course for Executive MBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, December 2008.
* The Future of Algerian Leadership—Bouteflika’s Third Term and the Pouvoir, presentation at the US Government conference, November 2008.
* Western Sahara: Opportunities for Progress,” presentation at the US Government conference, November 2008.
* Les relations algéro-françaises de 1962 à nos jours, lecture at the French Cultural Center, Bremen, Germany, November 2008.
* Le Communication interculturelle et management international, lecture at the Université des Sciences et Technologies d’Oran, Oran, Algeria, November 2008.
* La politique étrangère américaine au Maghreb, lecture at the Centre d’Etudes Maghrébines en Algérie and Université of Oran, Oran, Algeria, November 2008.
*Cross-Cultural Communication for International Managers, lecture to 400 Chinese MBA Students, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P.R. China, August 2008.
* Comparative Management & Euro-Mediterranean Management, AEMBA, two four-day classes, Antai School of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, P.R. China, August 2008.
* The United States and France: What Kind of Relationship? lecture to Bowling Green State University Executive Education students, EUROMED MARSEILLE, May 2008.
* Stratégies de négociations de grands contrats internationaux,” presentation at the 3-day Fourth International Finance Forum, Algiers, Algeria, May 2008.
* Analyse des Relations Economiques et Commerciales entre la Zone Méditerranéenne et le Reste du Monde, 2-day Executive MBA Seminar, Ecole Supérieure Algérienne des Affaires (ESAA), Algiers, Algeria, May 2008.
* Cross-Cultural Communication & Event Marketing, 5-day seminar, MBA students, Beijing Renmin University, Beijing, PRC, April 2008.
* Travailler au Maroc, Travailler avec des Marocains: culture et culture des affaires au Maroc, one-day seminar for senior executives of OCEOR Financial Group, Caisse d’Epargne, Paris, April 2008.
* Doing Business in the Southern Mediterranean, seminar for Brazilian managers (Executive MBA, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), EUROMED MARSEILLE, April 2008.
* Geopolitics of the Euro-Mediterranean Area, Seminar for Brazilian managers (Executive MBA, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), EUROMED MARSEILLE, April 2008.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills for International Managers, 4-day intensive course for Executive MBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 2007.
* Cross-Cultural Management & Negotiation, 2-week program for International Master Program students (University of Aachen, Ben Gourion University, University of Ottawa), Reims Management School (France), September 2007.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiations, joint 4-day intensive program at the Reims Management School (France)/University of Ottawa (Canada)/University of Paderborn (Germany), Northeastern University (USA), and Reims Management School, France, June 2007.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills for International Managers, 5-day course for Executive MBA program, Tehran, Iran, May 2007.
* Analyse des Relations Economiques et Commerciales entre la Zone Méditerranéenne et le Reste du Monde, 2-day Executive MBA Seminar, Ecole Supérieure Algérienne des Affaires (ESAA), Algiers, Algeria, May 2007.
* Stratégies de négociations internationales appliquées au secteur bancaire,” Presentation at the 3-day Third International Finance Forum, Algiers, Algeria, May 2007.
* Maritime Management, Co-Director & Co-Organizer, 6-week program for University of North Florida and Euromed Marseille Students, Jacksonville (Florida, USA), Marseille (France), and Istanbul (Turkey), May-June 2007.
* International Business Negotiations, Institute for Enterprise Development, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 2007.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills for International Managers, 4-day intensive course for Executive MBA program, Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 2006.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills for International Managers, 5-day course for Executive MBA program, Tehran, Iran, July 2006.
* Geopolitics of the Euro-Mediterranean Area, half-day seminar for George Mason University Mediterranean summer program, Marseille, July 2006.
* Doing Business in the Euro-Mediterranean region,half-day seminar for George Mason University Mediterranean summer program, Marseille, July 2006.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiations, joint 4-day intensive program at the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Reims (France)/University of Ottawa (Canada)/University of Paderborn (Germany), Northeastern University (USA), and ESC Reims, France, June 2006.
* Stratégies de négociations internationales, Seminar presentation at the second 3-day International Finance Conference (Forum International de la Finance), Algiers, Algeria, May 2006.
* Doing Business in the Middle East & North Africa, Seminar for Brazilian managers (Executive MBA, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Euromed Marseille, April 2006.
* Geopolitics of the Euro-Mediterranean Area, Seminar for Brazilian managers (Executive MBA, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Euromed Marseille, April 2006.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiation Skills for International Managers, lecture to 40 Chinese managers (Global MBA), Antai School of Management, Shanghai Jiao tong University, Shanghai, China, March 2006.
* International Negotiations in Today’s World, 2-week lecture series, University of Northern Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, January 2006.
* Global Negotiations: Strategies for Success, Teleflex Co., Archamps, France, June 2005.
* Stratégies de négociations internationales appliquées au secteur bancaire,” Presentation at the 3-day First International Finance Conference, Algiers, Algeria, June 2005.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiations, joint 4-day intensive program at the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Reims (France)/University of Ottawa (Canada)/University of Paderborn (Germany), Northeastern University (USA), and ESC Reims, France, June 2005.
* International Negotiations: Key Principles & Strategies, Thunderbird International Consortium I (Executive Education), Archamps, France, May 2005.
* Cross-Cultural Communication for International Managers, half a day seminar for MBA students, EM Lyon, Lyon, France, December 2004.
* Advanced Cross-Cultural Negotiations, 3-day course for the Executive MBA in International Management, Czech Management Center, Prague, December 2004.
* Advanced Cross-Cultural Negotiations, 3-day course for the Executive MBA in International Management, Czech Management Center, Prague, October 2004.
* Developing Intercultural Awareness, one-day seminar for international directors of human resources of Legrand’s one-week seminar in international human resources, Limoges, France, September 2004.
* Les techniques de négociations dans le commerce international, one-day seminar, Algerian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Algiers, June 2004.
* Cross-Cultural Negotiations, joint, 4-day intensive program, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Reims (France)/University of Ottawa (Canada)/University of Paderborn (Germany), Northeastern University (USA), and ESC Reims, France, June 2004.
* The Impact of Culture on Negotiations, half-day lecture to International MBA students, EM Lyon, December 2003.
* Negotiations for Managers, one-day seminar for Citicorp Managers, Klekotki, Poland, June 2003.
* Negotiating in the Global Arena, joint, 4-day intensive program, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Reims (France)/University of Ottawa (Canada)/University of Paderborn (Germany), ESC Reims, France, June 2003.
* Intercultural Communications in the Era of Globalization, Ecole Management Lyon [EM Lyon], France, two all-day session course for 350 undergraduate students, May 2003.
* Managing Across Cultures, 2-day intensive seminar, ALCATEL executives, Château-de-Chatenay (Paris), April 2003.
* Negotiating Effectively in the Global Arena, Master’s degree seminar at Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2002.
* Negotiating in the Global Environment, joint, 4-day intensive program Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Grenoble (France)/University of Ottawa (Canada), Grenoble, France, June 2002.
* Intercultural Communications for International Manager, one-dayseminar for ALCATEL executives, European Institute of Purchasing Management, France, June 2002.
* Negotiating Effectively, 2-day seminar MBA program, European Institute of Purchasing Management, France, June 2002.
* Intercultural Communications and Negotiations, Ecole Management Lyon [EM Lyon], France, two all-day session course for 370 undergraduate students, April 2002.
* Doing Business in the United Arab Emirates, Boeing Company, Mesa, Arizona, March 2002.
* Communicating & Negotiating Across Cultures, Ecole Management Lyon [EM Lyon], France, Special MBA Seminar, Lyon, December 2001.
* Culture & Society in the Middle East & North Africa, CEMEX International Management Program 2001, Coral Gables, Florida, June 2001.
* Doing Business in Egypt, Mexico’sCEMEX International Management Program 2001, Coral Gables, Florida, June 2001.
* Effective Negotiating Across Cultures, one-day seminar, World Trade Center, Amman, Jordan, May 2001.
* Communicating and Negotiating in the Global Environment, Workshop for the Young Entrepreneurs Association (Sponsored by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation) for entrepreneurs from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, Dead Sea, Jordan, May 2001.
* Effective Negotiation for Purchasers: Collaborative vs. Competitive Strategies,2-day seminar, Nutraco, SA, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2000.
* Communicating and Negotiating in the Middle East & North Africa, three seminar sessions, IPADE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 2000.
* Negotiations Seminar for Negotiating Sales in a Competitive Market, Invensys Appliances, Inc.,Archamps, France (January 2000). One-day customized program for international sales executives.
* Effective Negotiation and International Negotiating, Offset Program/World Trade Center, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (October 1999). Tailored 2-day training program for 15 executives involved in negotiations of $8 billion project (Dolphin Project).
* Effective Negotiation and International Negotiating, World Trade Center, Amman, Jordan (October 1999). Customized 2-day training course for 95 executives from leading medium and small business firms in Jordan.
* Negotiation Principles and International Business Negotiations, European Institute of Purchasing Management, Archamps, France (April 1999; November 1999; December 1999).
* Negotiating Across Cultures, Phelps Dodge (July 1997).
* Doing Business in the UK and France, Motorola University, numerous seminars in 1996-1998.
* Doing Business, Management Style, & Negotiating in France, Honeywell,several seminars in 1997-98.
(Selected List)
“The Islamic State in Libya: Origins, Evolution and Regional and International Implications,” Two-hour lecture at Peking University, April 2016.
“China and Africa: The Win-Win Strategic Partnership,” Lecture at the French-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Shanghai, PRC, September 2015.
“The Protracted Conflict in Western Sahara: Explaining the Stalemate,” Seminar for Faculty & Doctoral students at the Middle East Studies Department, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China, April 2015.
“The Crisis in the Sahel: What Way Forward,” half-day seminar at the National Defense Academy, Center for Security & Strategic Research, Riga, Latvia, 18 March 2014.
“Terrorism in North Africa and Its Repercussions in Europe,” Lecture to senior military & civilian officials, National Defense Academy, Center for Security & Strategic Research, Riga, Latvia, 17 March 2014.
“Governance as Leadership: Who Is a Leader,” One-day Seminar for participants at the Governance & Human Security in Africa, African Center for Peace & Security Training, Institute for Security Studies, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 20 January 2014.
“Cross-Cultural Negotiations: An Essential Skill for Executives,” Seminar for MBA students, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics/Webster University, September 2013.
“The Arab World since the Arab ‘Spring’: An Analysis,” Seminar for graduate students and faculty, Middle East Center, Shanghai International University, September 2013.
“Développement commercial et négociation à l’international,” Seminar for executives,
Programme d’aide à la création d’entreprises innovantes en Méditerranée (PACEIM), Marseille, September 2013.
“Why Algeria Escaped the Arab Spring?” Seminar for the faculty and graduate students, Department of International Studies, Peking University [PKU], Beijing, PRC, May 2012
“The United States Middle East Policy,” lecture given at the international studies department, Peking University [PKU], Beijing, PRC, May 2012.
“The United States and the Maghreb,” lecture given to France’s Institute of Higher Studies of National Defense (IHEDN), Toulon, November 2011.
“Developments in Algeria,” lecture at the US Government conference, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2011.
“Libya: Scenarios for the Future,” lecture at the US Government conference, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2011.
“The United States and the Maghreb,” lecture at the French Institute for International Relations [IFRI], Paris, October 2011.
“The Question of Human Rights and Self-Determination in the Western Sahara Conflict,” United Nations Council on Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2011.
“Security Challenges in the Sahel Region,” lecture for NATO Regional Cooperation Course, NATO Defense College, Rome, Italy, April 2011.
“Les Défis sécuritaires au Sahara et au Sahel: Implications Régionales et Internationales,” lecture at the National Higher School of Political Science, University of Algiers, Algeria, 28 April 2011.
“Euro-Mediterranean Approach to Security: The North African Perspective,” lecture given at the Geneva Center for Security Policy, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011.
“The North African Security Perspective toward Europe,” lecture given at the Geneva Center for Security Policy, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2011.
“The Western Sahara Conflict: Is there a Solution?” The Middle East Center, St Anthony’s College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, January 2011.
“Living and Working in France,” lecture to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students, Marseille, January 2011.
“US Policy in the Maghreb-Sahel Region: Are there Implications for China?” lecture to faculty and students at Shanghai International Studies University, Hong Kou Campus, Shanghai, China, September 2010.
“The Geopolitics of the Western Sahara Conflict lecture at the London School of Economics, LSE !DEAS Program (Africa), London, UK, April 2010.
“Principles of Cross-Cultural Management,” lecture at VIT University, Pune, India, March 2010.
“Diversity, National Identity, and Multiculturalism in France,” lecture at the Institute of American Universities, Aix-en-Provence, France, March 2010.
“Euro-Mediterranean Approach to Security: The North African Perspective,” lecture for the International Training Course in Security Policy at theGeneva Center for Security Policy, March 2010.
“Le Maghreb et la Mondialisation” lecture at Lycée Thiers/Lycée St Exupéry, Prépas Classes, March 2010.
“Diversity, National Identity, and Multiculturalism in France,” lecture at the Institute of American Universities, Aix-en-Provence, France, November 2009.
“Obama’s First 100 Days in Office,” presentation at the Democrats Abroad conference, Mediterranean Anglo-American Business Network, Marseille, May 2009.
“Les Etats-Unis et le Bassin Méditerranéen: Quelle Politique?” Lecture at the Club des Partenaires (Corporate network), EUROMED MANAGEMENT, Les Docks, Marseille, May 2009.
“Multiculturalism: France as a Melting Pot?” Lecture at the Institute of American Universities, Aix-en-Provence, France, March 2009.
“Euro-Mediterranean Approach to Security: The North African Perspective,” lecture for the International Training Course in Security Policy at theGeneva Center for Security Policy, March 2009.
“United States Policy in the Maghreb,” lecture at the Friday Lectures Series, Middle East Center, St Anthony’s College, Oxford University, January 2009.
“Les Investissements US en Méditerranée bénéficient-ils à la métropole marseillaise, ” [Are US investments in the Mediterranean beneficial to Marseille’s metropolis], Mediterranean American Business Network, Marseille, France, May 2008.
“US Policy in North Africa: Conflicting Agendas,” paper presented at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel, September 2007.
“US Policy in North Africa, lecture series given at the University of Las Palmas, Gran Canary, Canary Islands, Spain, November 2006.
“Impact du Conflit du Sahara Occidental sur la Géopolitique maghrébine,” guest speaker, Algerian Cultural Center, Paris, France, May 2006.
“The Western Sahara Conflict: International Dimensions,” lecture at US Government Conference, Washington, DC, February 2006.
“Doing Business in Central & Eastern Europe,” lecture given to the Thunderbird Winterim 2004 Program, Prague, Czech Republic, January 2004.
“Communicating and Negotiating: Two Important Skills for the Global Leader,” International MBA refresher lecture at Graduation Ceremony, E.M. Lyon, Palais des Congrès, Lyon, December 2002.
“Political Risk in the Middle East and North Africa,” lecture to the ThunderbirdExecutive MIM Alumni, Glendale, AZ, March 2002.
“Business and Culture in the Middle East and North Africa,” lecture to the Thunderbird MBA students, Glendale, AZ, March 2002.
“Western Sahara Conflict and Its Regional Impact, lecture at British Foreign Office, London, September 2001.
“The Political Scene and External Relations: Algeria,” lecture given at the U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC, September 2000.
“The Role of Algeria in International Organizations,” lecture given at theUnited States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, February 2000.
“The Algerian Crisis in World Affairs,” lecture given at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, February 2000.
“The Algerian Crisis in a Globalization Context,” lecture Given to the Thunderbird Community, Glendale, AZ, July 1998.
“The Middle East and North Africa on the Eve of the 21st Century,” lecture Given at the Potpourri Interest Group of the American Association of University Women, Thunderbird, Glendale, AZ, February 1998.
“Islam and Islamic Civilization,” Cactus High School, two Honors Classes, Glendale, Arizona, October 1997.
“US Foreign Policy and the Question of Islam,” Thunderbird, US Foreign Policy Class, Glendale, AZ, October 1997.
“Politics and Society in Tunisia,” paper presented at the U.S. Departmentof State, Washington, DC, September 1997.
“Islam: Its Impact on the Middle East and the World,” paper presented at the Arab-American Cultural Association, Phoenix, Arizona, September 1996.
“Sahara Occidental: Dynamique d’un Eternel Conflit,” lecture given at the Institut Universitaire d’Etudes et du Développement, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1994.
“Transition from Authoritarian to Democratic Regimes in the Maghreb,” lecture given at the United States Department of State, Foreign Service Institute, School of Area Studies, VA, August 1992.
“Les superpuissances et la crise du Golfe” (The Superpowers and the Gulf Crisis), paper presented as Distinguished Guest Lecturer of the Alliance Verte et Sociale, Bienne, Switzerland, May 1991.
“Eastern Europe in Transition,” lecture given at the Honors Seminar Conference, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy, April 1991.
“Le Rôle joué par les superpuissances au Moyen-Orient de Yalta à nos jours,” (The Role Played by the Superpowers in the Middle East from Yalta Until Today), paper presented as Distinguished Speaker at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, March 1991.
“The Democratic Experience in Algeria,” paper presented at Howard University’s Distinguished Faculty Seminars, Washington, DC, February 1990.
“The Algerian Revolution in Perspective,” lecture presented at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, February 1990.
* Collaboration with schoolsin India on behalf of EUROMED MANAGEMENT, March 2010.
* In charge of developing international networks for EUROMED MANAGEMENT, September 2009-Present.
* Negotiation of partnerships between schools in the United States (George Mason University, American University, Howard University, and Fordham University) and Euromed Marseille, 2006-Present.
* Negotiation of partnership between Institut International de Management (Algiers, Algeria) and Euromed Marseille, 2006-2007.
* Negotiated with France’s Haute-Savoie local government authorities to secure construction of modern building for Thunderbird Europe (1998-2002).
* Participated in all phases of construction planning
* Supervised construction of building design
* Master of ceremonies for Grand Opening of new building (in charge of preparation of all activities); supervised 6-member staff for the event, which was attended in October 2002 by 450 people
* Developed strategies for Thunderbird Europe, 1998-2005:
* Recruited faculty
* Chaired faculty meetings
* Helped students with extra-curricular activities
* Organized seminars and conferences
* Promoted Thunderbird Europe in the media and in the community
* Actively developed and expanded Thunderbird Europe
* Negotiated with local government authorities (expansion, accreditation…)
* Encouraged and secured alliance with Ecole Management Lyon (EM Lyon)
* Developed relations with French, Swiss, and other European institutions (ESSEC Paris, HEC Geneva, ESC Rouen…)
* Worked with Thunderbird’s Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement to secure relationships with various schools and universities (e.g., exploring opening of new extension in Middle East)
* Worked with Office of Admissions to improve recruitment process in Europe, Middle East, and Africa
* Participated in Alumni events
* Promoted Thunderbird Executive Education programs in Europe
* Participated in business education conferences of the European Foundation for Management Development: Warsaw, Poland, June 2001; Bangkok, Thailand, June 2002; Lausanne, Switzerland, January 2003; Lisbon, Portugal, January 2004; Madrid, Spain, June 2004.
Academy of International Business
Academy of Management
American Institute of Maghrebi Studies (AIMS)
Association des universitaires algériens pour la promotion des études de sécurité nationale [ASNA], Founding Member, September 2004-
Association of Third World Studies
Association Suisse (Switzerland)-Maghreb (Member of Executive Committee, 1991-1995)
European Association of Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES)
International Association of Conflict Management
International Political Science Association
International Studies Association
Middle East Studies Association
Society for Algerian Studies (University of London)
* Faculty Publication/Research Award, School-Wide Award, May 1999.
* FacultyPublication Award, Department of International Studies, February 1997.
* Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society for Outstanding Academic Performance, 1985.
* Outstanding Teaching Award, School of International Service, The American University, May 1984.
* Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, May 1983–May 1984.
* Graduate Assistantship, 1979–1982.
Have been interviewed on various topics by major international newspapers, radio, and TV stations.Partial List: Al-Arabiya (Paris); SABC (South Africa), Reporters (Algeria); BBC World Service; Voice of Russia; Le Monde (Paris); Algérie Presse Service (Algeria); Valor Econômico(Brazil); Life Week (China);Le Soir d’Algérie (Algeria); Väst Sahara Magazine (Sweden),Times of India, DNA and others newspapers in India; Newsweek (USA); Al-Ahram (Cairo, Egypt); Al-Ahrar(Algiers),Ostatnia aktualizacja (Poland); Folha de São Paulo (Brazil); Al-Jazeera (in English from Washington, DC); El Pais (Spain), United Press International (USA); ISN Security Watch; La Provincia (Las Palmas, Gran Canary); Algiers Channel 3”VIP” Program (one hour interview on events in the Middle East & North Africa); South African Radio (Johannesburg); Swedish Radio (Sweden), Algerian National TV (ENTV), Petroleum Economist (UK), USA Today, El Pais (Spain), Algérie Presse Service; La Voix de l’Oranie; El Moudjahid (Algeria), Singapore News 93.8, Radio France, Alger Radio Chaîne 3in French[many programs: Iraq War 2003; Libya; Democratization in the Middle East; US policy; international terrorism, Gaza; Western Sahara conflict; US election; etc.], Al Ahrar (Algiers), Geneva Today(Switzerland), Le Dauphiné(France), LCI TV Station (France), FR3 (France), Politiken(Denmark), Danmarks Radio, Diario de Noticias(Lisbon, Portugal, numerous times),NewYork Times, GulfNews[United ArabEmirates, numerous times], Los Angeles Times, El Khabar (Algeria, numerous times), El Djeich (Algeria), Canal Algérie TV, LesDébats (Algeria), Liberté, La Tribune (Algeria), Al-Chaab (Algeria), El Youm (Algeria), Al Jarida (Arabic/Algeria), Radio 1 in Arabic (Algeria), Algerian TV(several live programs), CNN (Washington, DC), Radio Algiers IV (English Station), Le Carrefourd’Oran (Algeria), Boston Globe, BBC, Voice ofAmerica, TV Marti, Arizona TVChannels3, 5, 10, and 15.
Fluent in English, French and Arabic; basic German.