Source:Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Studies, Vol.14, January 2022
Abstract:Since the 9/11, especially the “Arab Spring”, the US geostrategy has been continuously undergoing major adjustments. The US is eager to withdraw from the 20-year quagmire of Afghanistan in order to achieve the shift of strategic focus and the optimization of global military deployment. The Trump administration took the initiative to achieve limited but relatively active interaction with the Taliban. The US-Taliban relationship has gone through three stages during the Trump administration: the policy preparation, the peace talks advancement, and the agreement. Based on the subjective motives of the two sides and the changes in the international environment, the US-Taliban relationship has shown a positive development trend, but there is still distrust and mutual suspicion between them. The preliminary reconciliation of US-Taliban relations has advanced the peace process in Afghanistan and is conducive to a coordinated attack on the IS, but the people’s historical memory of the Taliban has caused widespread anxiety. In the future, in Afghanistan’s internal security situation will continue to be tense. The relationship between the US and the Taliban will also have a certain influence on the evolution of the relationship between the Afghan government and the Taliban. With the complete withdrawal of US troops by Biden administration, the Taliban has once again established regime in Afghani most territories.
Keywords:US;Taliban;Trump administration;Biden administration;Afghan peace process