书名:Outside Powers and the Middle East Governance
作者:邹志强、舒梦 主编
ZOU Zhiqiang, Ph.D. in international relations,Assistant Professor of the Middle East Studies Institute (MESI) of Shanghai International Studies University; Postdoctoral research fellow in political science at Fudan University, China. He was an academic visitor to School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at University of London in 2015.
SHU Meng, Ph.D. in diplomacy, Assistant Professor of the Middle East Studies Institute (MESI) of Shanghai International Studies University, China; editor of the Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Prior to joining the MESI, she was an op-ed reporter at the opiniondepartment of Global Times. In 2015, Shu visited Israel as a visiting scholarat Moshe Dayan Center of Tel Aviv university.
Extra-Regional Powers and the Middle East Governance: Needfor a Non-Military and Multilateral Approach Based on Consensus / Prithvi Ram Mudiam
China’s Rising Role in the Changing Middle East since 2011 / PAN Guang
U.S.-Iranian Relationship under the Nuclear Issue / JIANG Zhen & ZHOU Yuhuan
What It’s for: Putin’s High-Risk Strategy on Syria / YANGHui
The Middle East: A Knot That Can’t Be Ignored inIndia’s “Look East Policy” and “Look Middle East Policy” / HONGTao
China’s Arab Policy Paper: New Era for China-Arab Relation/ Gafar Karar Ahmed
Economic Cooperation and the Transition of China’s Middle East Policy in the New Millennium / WANG Zhen
Theory and Practice of China’s Participation in theMiddle East Economic Governance / ZOU Zhiqiang
Cooperation in Productive Capacity between China andthe Middle East: Infrastructure Construction as the Case / WEI Min
PLO’s Interaction with Outside Players on the Palestine Issue / SHU Meng
Energy Cooperation Mechanism Construction between China and Arab Oil-Producing Countries / WANG Liying
Bringing in the Unheard into the Sphere of Political Voices: Considering Alternative Histories in International Relations Theory in West Asian Context / Rimon Bhuyan Gogoi