【来 源】 Güvenlik Stratejileri (Journal of Security Strategies), Issue 17, 2013
【摘 要】 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) established a strategic partnership with South Korea in December 2009 with the import of nuclear power stations as an opportunity, that is, civilian nuclear energy cooperation as a precursor while taking into account other civil economic cooperation fields, such as oil and gas development; and then stretched to military exchange, import of weapons and fighting together against piracy. Its long-term goals also include cultural based healthy cooperation. The strategic partnership between South Korea and the UAE is an important part of South Korea’s Middle East strategy and UAE’s “looking eastward” policy. A more crucial task is to implement the bilateral agreements with quality and quantity in the next few years, to promote the relations not only between South Korea and the UAE, but also between East Asia and the Middle East.
【关键词】 Akh Units; Nuclear; Oil and Gas; Somalia Pirates; South Korea; Strategic Partnership; UAE.