【来 源】 Journal of Sino-Western Communications, Volume 6, Issue 1 (July, 2014)
【摘 要】 During the games of politicizing the city of Jerusalem that are played by various international and regional powers, the Jerusalem issue becomes the most crucial one of all the causes that lead to the policy dilemma for the Palestine-Israel reconciliation. As a matter of fact, this issue contains a series of conflicts and confrontations, such as: 1) the conflict between the two exclusive discourse systems for explaining the meanings of Jerusalem; 2) the confrontation between the two different identities of Jerusalem for the Arabs and Israeli, both of whom regard themselves as the descendants of this holy city of Jerusalem; 3) the efforts of both Palestinians and Israelis to frame the other side into the hostile image systems that evolve from “infidel” to “enemy”; 4) the game played by U.S. and EU over the policies related to the Jerusalem issue. In order to deal with the complexity of this issue and to resolve the policy dilemma of the Palestine-Israel reconciliation, a series of responsive measures and policies shall be formulated and adopted, such as a further effort to construct the discourses for the “Jerusalem Consensus”, a strengthening of the Palestine-Israel reconciliation mechanism based on the “four-party mechanism of the Middle East”, and an endeavor to come up with a “China Style” governance model founded on the principle of “mediating peace and encouraging negotiations”.
【关键词】 Middle East peace; Jerusalem; Palestine; Israel; foreign policy; global governance